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乡镇企业以冶炼业为主。Township enterprises mainly in smelting industry.

乡镇企业真的呈现出另一种产权形式吗?Do TVEs really represent an alternative property rights form?

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国有企业和乡镇企业与其说是真正的企业,不如说是“单位”。SOEs and TVEs are further “units” rather than true enterprises.

乡镇企业以开采煤炭、铝钒土为主。Township enterprises in the exploitation of coal, bauxite-based.

我国的一项基本国策是发展乡镇企业。What is the most important reason behind the development of TVEs?

大量的乡镇企业已在农村建立起来了。这就大大促进了农村经济的发展。A large number of county-run enterprises had been set up in the rural areas.

近年来,甘肃乡镇企业发展迅速,并已成为全省农村经济的半壁河山。The rural industry of Gansu province has been developing quickly since 1983.

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乡镇企业是我国四化建设中的一支重要力量。Small rural industries are a main force for socialist construction in our nation.

三是大力发展乡镇企业,加快农村工业化步伐。Developing township enterprises to quicken the steps of industrializing the rural areas.

加强乡镇企业的自身建设,努力提高融资能力。Strengthening the self-construction of own enterprises and improving the abilityof finance.

如何解释九0年代乡镇企业的转型与私人部门的成长?What accounts for the transformation of TVEs and the growth of the private sector in the 1990s?

第四,乡镇企业发展和中国经济转型间的互动作用。The mutual pushing effect between the development of TVEs and the transition of economic system.

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第五章主要是探讨乡镇企业资本经营效果如何衡量、如何评价。The Chapter 5 mainly emphasized on how to survey and evaluate the outputs of TE's Capital Operation.

指导乡镇企业经营管理和外经外贸工作。To guide the management and administration of the rural township enterprises and related foreign trade.

乡镇企业是由我国农民自行创造的一种具有中国特色的经济组织形式。TVES which is created by Chinese peasants is a kind of economic organization with Chinese characteristics.

最后,为乡镇企业制度的进一步完善提供对策建议。The mentioned analysis will finally generate some recommendations for further perfection of TVEs institution.

河北邱县锚寨柴鸡养殖有限公司成立于2004年,是一家以柴鸡养殖,柴鸡蛋销售为一体的乡镇企业。Was established in 2004, is one to Chaiji farming, firewood sales of eggs as one of the township enterprises.

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乡镇企业有农机、玻璃器皿、不锈钢器皿、酿造、制氧等厂。Township enterprises there is farm machinery, glass, stainless steel utensils, brewing, oxygen and other plants.

大会组委会决定把乡镇企业信息网作为会议实况转播的直播网站。Conference organizing committee decides to assign CCIDNET as the webcast website of live telecast of the meeting.

研究起草乡镇企业法律、法规、规章,并组织实施。To study and draft laws, regulations, provisions of rural township enterprises and organize their implementation.