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也就是冥冥中注定的那一个。Also is the one that doomed.

也就是冥冥中注定的那一个。Also is the one that doomed devine.

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有时候,你似乎可以知道哪些冥冥之中的注定。Sometimes you can almost see the plan.

冥冥中注定的那次触碰让这成为可能。That was its devine touch made it possible.

是否上天冥冥之中的安排,一切巧合聚在一天之中。If god's arrangement, all culminate in a day.

杳冥冥兮羌昼晦,东风飘兮神灵雨。The east wind drifts and god sends down rain.

斯达巴克把它看作是冥冥上苍的一个阴森森的警告。Starbuck sees it as a gloomy religious warning.

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冥冥之中他好像为了什么而做这件事,现在他留下了一件宝贵的遗产。He did it for a reason and he has left a legacy.

冥冥中,缘分的线在牵引两人。Mianmianzhong fate of line in traction, two men.

冥冥之中,他注定会成为摇滚乐的救世主。He was somehow destined to become a rock messiah.

臣仆是冥冥的黑夜,帝王是朗朗的白天。Poor grooms are sightless night, kings glorious day.

可冥冥中,他却错过了去学习,去感受,去改变,去成长,甚至----去爱…But he simply canot learn, feel, change, grow or love.

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他们冥冥之中能感应到对手的种种弱点。They have a sixth sense for the competitors' weaknesses.

冥冥中我俩一个都不能少。Imperceptibly but inexorably, we two could not be one less.

冥冥之中有一种力量告诉我,这次她会在家了。Some supernatural power told me that she would be at home this time.

从老婆身怀六甲之日起,就冥冥注定了男人摆脱不了焦虑与压力这对冤家。Anxiety and stress start from the moment their wife becomes pregnant.

苦思却不得答案,只得叹气作罢,冥冥中心思似乎早已明了。His answer had to sigh, but not, it appears to already know, I center thinking.

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冥冥中注定你生命里出现的、停留的、远去的,或都是一种不可违的宿命。Something doomed to appear, stay, go away in your life may be a inviolable fate.

后来回想起这一幕。才惊觉,一切,其实是冥冥中就有定数的。Later recalled this scene. Only to find everything, in fact, is it have set number.

人生的路途,有很多种,我们自己走哪一条,冥冥中的路途早已,交由每个人的思想。The road of life, there are many, we go one way, dark already, by everyone's thoughts.