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最后的结果是一个加载神速的页面。The result is a lightning-fast page load.

他的进步非常神速,这点很重要。It is important that he improves very quickly.

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柯蒂斯的事业一开始就进展神速。Mr. Curtis’s career advanced rapidly at first.

成功的非匹配相当神速。A successful non-match is significantly faster.

你已经写完作文了吧?你是很神速的。Have you finished your composition already? You're very speedy.

果真进步神速,他带着微笑去见了自己的师父。He learned so rapidly he brought smiles to the face of his master.

然而,荷兰人正在梅尔伍德神速的恢复着自己的身体状态。However, the Dutchman has been making a speedy recovery at Melwood.

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000年时只有十份而已,可谓增长神速In two thousand there were only ten, so the number has gone way up.

趁大人们一愣神,以神不知,鬼不觉的神速,钻进百草园。While people in God, unknown to God or ghost rapidly, into the garden.

这种警钟并没有减缓抗衰老业的神速发展。Such alarming reports have not slowed the huge expansion of the industry.

与之前的五次相比,这次物种灭绝可谓神速。Compared with nearly all the previous extinctions this would be fast-track.

在交了一个法籍男友之后,桃乐丝的法语进步神速。Doris' French improved by leaps and bounds after she got a French boyfriend.

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我知道她进步神速,所以我对她在比赛中的表现一点也不吃惊。I knew that she was making fast progress, so I wasn't surprised by her game.

其中,波兰因学校改革而进步神速,备受夸赞。Of these, Poland was praised for making rapid progress through school reform.

在“影子模仿模式”下,亚当能神速模仿教练的动作。In “shadow boxing mode” Atom mimics his coach’s movements with lightning speed.

神速而节俭的中国公司正在提出商业模式创新。Fleet-footed and frugal Chinese firms are coming up with business-model innovations too.

一个月过去了,或者说好像觉得一个月过去了,乔纳森进步神速。A month went by, or something that felt about like a month, and Jonathan learned at a tremendous rate.

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爱丽丝神速地到达楼梯顶上并回首投给我一个灿烂的微笑。As her momentum carried her to the top of the stairs, Alice looked back and tossed me a radiant smile.

目前许多领域都时步神速,教科书根本不可能跟得上。Advances in many fields are being made so fast these days that it is impossible for textbooks to keep up.

在他24岁那年,叶问回到佛山。在接下来的几年里,叶问的咏春拳技艺进步神速。At age 24, Yip Man returned to Foshan, and his Wing Chun skills had improved tremendously while he had been away.