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精工5号是机械表。Seiko 5 is a mechanical watch.

可以。我在精工电气公司工作。B. Yes. I work at Precision Electronics.

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我还使用背景去除1精工最大呼气压微电机。I also use an NSK eMax micromotor for background removal.

贝雕押花花瓶,红木精工制作。Shell carving pressed flower vases, mahogany Seiko production.

他们那并没有中国的品牌,只有卡地亚,西铁城,精工以及劳力士。They had no Chinese brands, only Cartier, Citizen, Seiko, Rolex.

我们将提供最优质的服务优惠的价格和精工品质!We will provide the best quality service for the price and quality Seiko !

精工品质精益求精,在细节中铸就精致。Delicate-fine in quality, pursue perfect and cast refinement out of detail.

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采用优质天然金刚石,精工磨制而成。Diamond Glass Cutter Natural diamond of best quality with precision grinders.

你好,我是中山广通精工活塞环厂。I am piston ring factory, special for motorcycle, auto, machine engine rings.

完工的机芯则被送去精工香港工厂,最后组装成手表。The completed movements are then sent to Seiko Hong Kong for the final assembly.

精工伟达科技有限公司是隶属于其下的一家国际性智能卡制造商。Seiko Weida Technology Co. , Ltd. is a part of its international smart card manufacturers.

重山精工是一家全球性风力塔架制造商,是重山风力设备有限公司的控股公司。CS Wind Corporation, a globalized wind tower company and holding company of CS Wind Tech Co.

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我是精工丝印器械厂高厂长,欢迎选购本厂的产品。I am a high-precision screen printing apparatus plant director, welcome to buy our products.

有华以创新和精工工艺设计生产隐形眼镜护理盒系列。Youhua contact lens case set series designed and manufactured with innovation and highest quality.

鸿海精工每年的收入比微软、苹果和戴尔都要多。Hon Hai Precision Industry generates more revenue each year than Microsoft Corp., Apple or Dell Inc.

以任何完美标准衡量,一款优质的精工石英表和顶级劳力士难分伯仲。By any standard of perfection, an excellent Seiko quartz watch is as good as a top-of-the-line Rolex.

富艳精工是历朝应制词人的艺术追求。The feature of being flowery and delicately composed was the artistic pursuit of all these Ci writers.

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百大酒窖,深圳古玩城斥20亿巨资,历时三年,精工玉琢,终成大器。Centiwine Cellar is made with 2 Billion RMB and three years' fine construction in Shenzhen Curio World.

1999年博山精工泵业有限公司被审定为山东省机械工业厅定点企业。Authorized it for the mechanical specially-designated factory of bureau of industry of ShanDong in 1999.

精工科技集团,1984年于香港成立,是一家香港投资的多元化集团公司。Seiko Technology Group, established in 1984 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong is a diversified investment company.