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然而,我却青衣舞袖般孤独地伫立断桥。However, i ty dance as stand alone bridge.

青衣花旦不用话筒。The Qingyi and Huadan will sing without microphone.

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新界青衣美景花园商场101号地铺。Shop 101, Mayfia Gardens Shopping Arcade, Tsing Yi, N. T.

下一班进入三号月台�列车系以青衣为终点站。The next train at platform no. 3 will terminate at Tsing Yi.

青衣,右边的车门将会打开,请不要忘记您的行李。Tsing Yi, doors will open on the right. Please take all your baggage with you.

请注意,即将进入三号月台之列车将以青衣为终点站。Attention please, train arriving at platform no. 3 will stop at Tsing Yi station.

升读青衣分校人力资源管理学高级文凭课程二年级。Promoted to Year 2 of Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management, Tsing Yi Campus.

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荃湾新市镇包括荃湾、葵涌及青衣岛。Tsuen Wan new town embraces the areas of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi Island.

青衣渡口,绿柳桥头,一片叶舟,送春,踏水东流。Tsing Yi Ferry, Willow Bridge, a leaf boat, sending the spring, Ta Shui river flows.

第二条青衣南桥在兴建中,预计在一九九九年年中完成。The Duplicate Tsing Yi South Bridge is under construction for completion in mid-1999.

防暴警察,全副武装,青衣面甲,手执圆盾。They were met by black-clad police with helmets, face masks and small round riot shields.

各位乘客请注意,本班列车以青衣站为终点站,多谢乘搭地铁。Your attention please, this train stop service at Tsing Yi. Thank you for travelling on the MTR.

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升读青衣分校创意媒体及娱乐科艺高级文凭课程二年级。Promoted to Year 2 of Higher Diploma in Creative Media and Entertainment Technology, Tsing Yi Campus.

戏曲擂台赛今日开擂,首场比赛是青衣专场。The traditional Chinese opera competition begins today with the initial special competition of Qingyi.

大渡河与青衣江的水环境质量对岷江水环境质量的影响很大。The water quality of the Minjiang River is affected by the water quality of Dadu River and QingYijiang River.

欢迎各位搭乘机场快线列车前往青衣站、龙站和香港站。On behalf of your train ambassador, welcome. This train will stop at Tsing Yi, Kowloon and Central, Hong Kong.

青衣在台上唱,其间在现场来回走动。我在台下场地中间读。At the same time, Qingyi will be singing walking around, and I am doing my reading in the middle of the viewers.

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青衣江及其支流沿岸,有绵延起伏的山,险峻的峡谷,清丽的河流和奇特的泉水。Along the Qiyi river and it's branches, there are fluctuant hill, arduous gorge, clear river, and peculiar spring.

船上产生的含油废料和化学废料,先由承判商接收,然后运送到青衣岛的处理中心处理。Oily and chemical wastes from ships are collected by contractor and delivered to a treatment plant at Tsing Yi Island.

郑单也称为“青衣”,他们主要起强的部分的中年妇女举止文雅。Zhengdan is also called 'Qingyi', who mainly plays the part of the strong-minded middle-aged woman who behaves elegantly.