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他的嘴皮子捅的你肚子上的那个洞?His mouth put that hole in your gut?

党派之间动嘴皮子的时间已经过去了。The time for partisan bickering is over.

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像这样的会议一般是动嘴皮子的。Meetings such as this are usually about talk.

只可惜您那铁拳头及不上你的嘴皮子快啊。Too bad your fists aren't as fast as your mouth.

这样一个小财主也敢跟我逗嘴皮子。An upstart like that dares to bandy words with me!

理查德的母亲磨破嘴皮子,终于说服他娶了个西班牙太太。Richard's mother badgered him into taking a Spanish wife.

然而,我们不能只满足于研究和文件以及动动嘴皮子。But we can't be satisfied with studies and paper and talk.

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杰姆觉得跟他磨嘴皮子没意思,于是便不再做声了。Jem decided there was no point in quibbling and was silent.

白玉堂继续再电话里和唐继龙磨着嘴皮子道。The white jade hall continues tel again inside and Tang whet the mouth skin son way after the dragon.

利物浦忧虑的减轻和巨大的鼓舞,不仅仅是限于托雷斯的嘴皮子和有说服力的鞋带。Liverpool's relief, and rich encouragement, was not confined to Torres's pursed lips and potent laces.

在其恶名达致顶峰之际,只要他动一动嘴皮子,成千上成的布尔人马上就能起兵造反。At the peak of his notoriety, said that tens of thousands of commandos would rise up when he gave the word.

歌迷也无所谓,支持一位偶像不过是动动嘴皮子而已。Instead, they are only concerned with their ratings. Fans of Zeng, meanwhile, continue to show their support.

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今天我们的领导人对人权问题只会动动嘴皮子,就像以前一样。Today the Secretary of State gives mere lip service to human rights just as Secretaries in the past have done.

大多数人只会动动嘴皮子,他们的实际行动充分说明了他们没有努力实现双赢。Most people give 'lip service' to doing this but it is clear from their actual behavior that they don't actually play a "Win-Win" game.

科学家认为,只要模仿其他人的口音动动你的嘴皮子,就会让你直觉般地了解那古怪的话语模式,并懂得他们要说些什么。The scientists say that simply moving your mouth like other folks do allows you to intuit their potentially eccentric speech patterns, and get what they say.