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它被收藏家们所垂涎。It is coveted by collectors.

她垂涎她姐姐的房子。She covets her sister's house.

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并且那些待聘的岗位都是令人垂涎的职位。And those slots are coveted positions.

我该垂涎邻家的女佣吗?Shall I covet my neighbour's maidservant?

因为他们都垂涎于那两职位。Because they each coveted those positions.

他垂涎于那份小小家产。He was slavering after that small fortune.

垂涎的开始是我们每天看见的东西。We begin by coveting what we see every day.

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让人垂涎的色彩,绽放玫瑰般娇嫩唇色。Charming color make your lips bloom like roses.

他诬枉亚历山大,是因为他垂涎他的国土。And he slandered him, because he coveted his kingdom.

这样的数字让中国的房地产开发商垂涎。Statistics like these make China's property developers drool.

日本极度垂涎安理会的永久席位。Japan greatly covets a permanent seat in the Security Council.

李景秋有着雇主所垂涎的编程技能。Jingqiu Li has the kind of programming skills employers covet.

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垂涎这些事物的人们会如何评价自己?What are people who covet these things saying about themselves?

这爱使得天堂中的六翼天使也对我们垂涎。With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me.

嗨,格雷格,你到底有没有买你垂涎已久的那台电脑?Say, Greg. Did you finally get that computer that you wanted so much?

西方国家正在垂涎印度和中国,想要扑向他们。The West is salivating at the thought of India and China going at it.

桌子上摆满了令人垂涎的,美味的食物。Then there were plenty of mouth-watering, delicious food on the table.

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于外国食品零售商来说,中国市场的一杯羹看起来令人垂涎。For foreign food retailers, a slice of China's market looks appetizing.

1999年,她在比弗顿农贸市场拿到一个令人垂涎的摊位。She landed a coveted vendor spot in the Beaverton Farmers Market in 1999.

现在拿这个非常令人垂涎的梦想包和避免长时间等待列表在耳!Carry this highly coveted dream bag now and avoid long wait lists at Hermes!