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他看不起我。He despises me.

没有人看不起你。No one will despise you.

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至于你,我看不起你。As to you, I despise you.

中国看不起说大话的人。Chinese look down on the bouncer.

他看不起这种工作。He looks down upon this kind of work.

很明显,里根看不起风能。Evidently, Reagan despised wind power.

但是愚蠢的人看不起智慧和准则。but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

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考试作弊是会被人看不起的。Cheating in the examinations is despised.

我看不起轻贱的人。I look down on mean and worthless people.

那的势利眼也看不起你吗?。Did the snobs there look down on you, too?

懒汉总叫人看不起。The lazybones are always held in contempt.

实物模型会看不起更有利。Mockups will be looked upon more favourably.

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这种人在社会上是被人看不起的。Such people are looked down upon in society.

被人仰视总比被人看不起要强的多。It is better to be looked over than overlooked.

这只是我的个人喜好,没有看不起KDE的意思。Just a personal preference, nothing against KDE.

这些本地人看不起外国人。The natives look down their noses at foreigners.

清洁工是一个高贵却又被人看不起的工作。Cleaner is a noble but being looked down upon job.

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他因家穷而被人看不起。He was looked down upon because of his poor family.

我希望你不要看不起这种工作。I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work.

假如你没有钱,你会被人看不起。If you have no money, you will be looked down upon.