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本项研究工作对马瘟病畜进行了血液学检查。In this research work the sick animals with A.

本文报告一例鸭瘟病例的发病和诊断。The paper relates the case of the rising illness and diagnose.

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姜瘟病是一种由青枯劳尔氏菌引起的生姜毁灭性病害。Ginger bacterial wilt is a destructive disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum.

甘薯瘟病是危害甘薯生产的主要病害之一,严重影响甘薯的产量和品质。Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the major diseases on sweetpotato, and brings yield loss and poor quality seriously.

猪肉价格上涨的原因被归咎于导致数以百万头猪死亡的一种瘟病以及饲料成本的上涨。A disease that killed millions of pigs and the rising cost of feed grains have been blamed for the increase in prices.

文中报道了关于稻叶瘟病斑田间产孢若干问题的初步定量研究结果。In this paper the results of the preliminary quantitative study on the sporulation of the lesion of rice leaf blast in the field were reported.

与此同时北山支队也有人呈现相同的病症,看起来像是瘟病,而安定镇上也有疫情发作。Meanwhile beishan team has also been presented the same condition, looks like a disease, and stability and also has the disease attacks in the town.

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人们点起蜡烛或油灯,通宵守夜,象征着把一切邪瘟病疫照跑驱走,期待着新的一年吉祥如意。People lit candles or oil lamps, night vigils, a symbol of all evil blast to drive away epidemic racing and looking forward to the new year good luck.

说明在室内用粗毒素检测甘薯幼苗的致萎度,能够反映甘薯对甘薯瘟病的抗病或感病水平。The crude toxins of isolates of Ralstonia solanacearum provide with a cheap and exact tool to identify the resistance of sweet potato to the pathogen.

此与一般瘟病不同,未有卫气营血之传变,而是邪毒直入血络而伏于营分并可长期处于相对稳定状态。This general blast and different, not the blood-gas business-changing, but Xiedu Tongxinluo straight into the blood and V-and long-term business in a relatively stable state.

用青枯病假单胞菌的拮抗微生物B130和MA—7制成的泥炭制剂具有良好的姜瘟病防治效果。B130 and MA—7, two inhibiting microorganisms of Pseudomonas solanacearum, were applied to control bacterial wilt of ginger in the field of Changle county and gave a satisfactory effect.

我国甘薯病虫害危害严重,已经发现报导的有30多种,其中发生比较广泛、为害比较严重的有甘薯黑斑病、甘薯根腐病、甘薯瘟病、甘薯茎线虫病。More than 30 kinds of diseases and pests have been reported, but the damage of sweetpotato black rot, sweetpotato root rot, sweetpotato stem nematode and sweetpotato bacterial wilt is serious.

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结果表明,稻穗瘟病的为害程度在不同品种上存在一定差异,与侵染发病时间和发病部位关系密切。The results show that there was some difference in damage caused by rice neck blast among cultivars. The difference has close relation to the time of infection and access and the diseased parts.

就稻叶瘟病对水稻有效穗、穗粒数、千粒重和精米率的影响作了定量研究。Meanwhile, the effect of rice leaf blast on the number of effective heads, number of grains per head, the weight of one thousand grains and percentage of whole rice grains were also investigated.

采用鹅胚接种、动物感染、电镜观察及病原核酸与结构蛋白分析等方法对贵州省某养殖场疑似小鹅瘟病例进行了病原的分离与鉴定。The pathogen of goose plague in Guizhou province is studied by inoculation of goose embryo, artificial duplicating case, observation of electron microscope and genome and structural protein analysis.