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老乡是朋友,同事一样是朋友。Fellow- townsman are friends and colleagues are friends.

那样不好,他们一定以为我和那老乡是一伙的。It wasn't good. They must have thought I have joined them.

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从那时起,老乡们都在谈”我们的梅大夫”了。From then on all the villagers talked about"our Doctor Mei".

孔子这时才惊醒过来,知道这位老乡,实非等闲之辈。Confucius awoke and knew his compatriot was not an ordinary person.

老乡们说,盼了多少年,总算盼到我们的移民当了官。Villagers say, hope for how many years, our immigration as a officer.

朦胧夜色中,于得明接到另一位老乡“胖子”的电话。Hazy darkness, Yu-ming, another fellow from "The Fat Man, " the phone.

蓝某自称与小芳是老乡,并愿意帮助她。Blue is a claim with the Laoxiang Xiaofang, and is willing to help her.

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老乡们见到我们非常高兴。村里的老人不停地向我们问好。They were overjoyed to see us. The old villagers kept asking how we were.

正好老乡家孩子病了,还是心脏问题,需求季诚来做手术。Just townee home child's illness, or heart problems, needs JiCheng to surgery.

我们的老乡还拍了这只天山雪蟹做成标本的雪蟹。The villagers also filmed this Tianshan snow crab specimens made of snow crab.

如此寒气逼人的“集中营”老乡我还真没见过……不出力也不捧场,想交。This group is not a group, just like air, i can't see anyone here, SilentHill.

全是工头的安徽老乡,有的还是工头的亲戚。It is the Anhui fellow-townsman of foreman completely, some still is the kin of foreman.

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昨日,旅美温州老乡陈先生在越洋电话中就此向记者证实。Yesterday, Mr Chen Wenzhou Old townsfolk in the ocean on the phone to reporters confirmed.

在瑞典步斯堪的纳维亚老乡——丹麦人之后尘投了反对票以后,反对欧元的阵营欢声一片。Jubilation in the" No" camp as Swedes join fellow Scandinavians, the Danes, to vote against.

没有老乡,工作压力也大,有时也会被同事欺负。No person of hometown, working pressure also big, sometimes will also be colleagues bullying.

夺冠之后嫁给一位从事公关经理工作的芬兰老乡。Marita Lindahl, after winning the Miss World title, married a fellow Finn, a publicity manager.

但最后的表演秀又让我对我的俄亥俄老乡燃起了一丝希望--说不定这个节目口味变了。But that last performance show gave me pause and a renewed Ohioan hope that the game had changed.

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赵德伟老师和李老师两位是我喜欢的人,觉得亲近,可能是因为算半个老乡的缘故吧。Teacher Zhao Dewei and Ms. Li were both nice people. We belonged to a half of fellow town persons.

“两连胜了啊”,李春江用浓重的东北口音祝贺着自己的东北老乡。"Two in a row, ah, " Li Chunjiang by strong northeast congratulate accent their fellow north-east.

当时,有老乡善意提醒他,小心嫖娼染上艾滋病。At that time, there are well-intentioned fellow remind him that prostitutes infected with AIDS care.