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她满脸斑痕,眼睛肿胀。Her face was blotchy and her eyes swollen.

不拘男女,若肉皮上起了些斑痕,即白色的斑痕。If a whiteness appear in the skin of a man or a woman.

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山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。The dogwood bud , pale green is inlaid with russet markings.

到第七天,司祭再来查看,如见斑痕在屋内墙上蔓延开了。And returning on the seventh day, he shall look upon it. If he find that the leprosy is spread.

其自我放纵的生活方式在其绿色的皮肤上留下了特有的斑痕。His self-indulgent lifestyle had left its mark with a characteristic mottling of his green skin.

但术后面部遗留斑痕并影响鼻腔正常生理功能。But after technique, the face carry-over mark and affects the nasal cavity normal physiology function.

在拔出石头,刮扫,粉刷房屋以后,如斑痕又在屋内出现。But if, after the stones be taken out, and the dust scraped off, and it be plastered with other earth.

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斑痕清晰,反差高,样品质量高于目前使用的其他方法。The traces of droplets are clear with high contrast. The sampling quality is better than other current methods.

开水杯在家具的漆面膜上烫出白色斑痕时,可用两种方法去处烫痕。Open water in the furniture paint on a white mask hot spot mark, can use two kinds of methods for very hot mark.

司祭当吩咐人将带有斑痕的物品洗涤,再收藏七天。He shall give orders, and they shall wash that part wherein the leprosy is, and he shall shut it up other seven days.

一名作家还发现了一个不大的锰矿堆积体和一些粘染有铀痕迹或者带着铜绿斑痕的矿石标本。A writer has found a small deposit of manganese ore and rock specimens flecked with uranium or stained green by copper.

在液晶显示器的各种视觉缺陷中,斑痕缺陷的检测是最为复杂的问题,尚未能有效解决。Among various visual defects of LCD, "blemish" detection is the most complex problem that has not been solved effectively.

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利用该背景模型,可以将可能含有斑痕缺陷的图像区域从复杂背景中分割出来。Utilizing this background model, candidate area of blemish could be segmented from the panel image by background subtraction.

烧结钢部件在生产过程中,尤其是烧结之后其表面有时会出现针孔、孔洞及斑痕等缺陷。Among others, surface defects such as pinholes, holes and stains appear during the production of PM components, especially after sintering.

主要用于血液,唾液,尿液,骨骼、毛发及各种体液斑痕的ABO血型检测。The invention is applicable to the test of ABO blood type by using bloods, saliva, urine, bones, hairs and various black spots of body fluid.

研究者们说,平均起来损伤所导致的肌肉组织总量和动脉闭塞所致斑痕缩小到不足十分之一。On average, researchers say, the amount of muscle tissue exposed to damage and scarred by the arterial blockage was shrunk to less than a tenth.

莎拉认出这是她下午打的第一份菜单,掉到右上角的那滴眼泪带着边纹的斑痕仍清晰可辨。Sarah recognized the first card she had typewritten that afternoon. There was still the rayed splotch in the upper right-hand corner where a tear had fallen.

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长期使用可使皮肤减少斑痕、平复皱纹、恢复弹性、白哲紧致,延缓衰老。After applying it for a long while, it could help reduce blackspots, smooth wrinkles, and recover elasticity, enabling the skin to be white, tight and to delay its ageing.

但若司祭查看,见斑痕上没有白毛,并未深过皮肤,而且颜色已淡,司祭就应将他隔离七天。But if the colour of the hair be not changed, nor the blemish lower than the other flesh, and the appearance of the leprosy be somewhat obscure, he shall shut him up seven days.

没有P过的照片中,能看到她小腿上的斑痕、粗粗的大腿和脚上干燥的皮肤。Imperfections that can be clearly seen in the un-airbrushed shot include blemisheson her calf, her larger thighsand, if you look really closely, you can see her feet have dry skin on them.