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高空作业车是一种小型起重机械。Aerial vehicle is a small lifting appliances.

它使高空作业效率更高,更安全。It makes the operation more efficient, more safety.

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你要勇敢些,才能去当一名高空作业修建工。You have to have nerves of steel to be a steeplejack.

高空作业会产生其他的工具危险。Working at heights can create additional tool hazards.

舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣。Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead.

舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣。Life jacket must he worn when working outboard or overhead.

是用途广泛的高空作业台升降设备。It is widely used for aerial work platform lifting equipment.

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本程序主要讲述高空作业和绳索的使用。This procedure deals with working at heights and rope access.

该系列高空作业平台工作高度最大可达16米,额定载荷可达250公斤。Reach working height of up to 16m, and the load of up to 250kg.

无论高难险阻,我们的高空作业“蜘蛛人”一马平川。Whatever happened, we work high above the ground like a spider.

适合单人或双人的高空作业。One-person setup and operation allows versatile use by one or two people.

剪叉式升降机是用途广泛的高空作业专用设备。Scissor lift is the extensive use of special equipment for high-altitude operation.

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最后说明在高空作业车作业平台调平中的应用情况。Application of the sensor in leveling work platform of aerial equipment is depicted.

本设计主要任务是折臂式高空作业车举升机构的仿真设计。The main task is to design folding arm lifting body aerial vehicle simulation design.

雷雨季节施工,高空作业要防雷击。Thunderstorm season construction, high above the ground to prevent lightning strikes.

由升降机和电瓶车配套改装而成的高空作业专用设备。The lift and car battery supporting converted special equipment for high-altitude operation.

筋疲力尽的高空作业工人不能再紧紧抓住这根危险的高杆了。The steeplejack, exhausted and unnerved, couldn't hold on to his dangerous perch much longer.

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目前市场中的高空作业车大多是利用汽车的底盘改进的。The current market altitude Most of the vehicles in the use of a vehicle chassis improvements.

在5.1大地震中,根据安全条例,高空作业是被禁止的。During the 1st May earthquake, working on the higher levels was prohibited due to safety reasons.

适合工厂车间、广场大堂机场、园区等有高空作业需求的客户。Suitable for factory workshop, Plaza Airport, park a high-altitude operations needs of customers.