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好,现在把钓竿柄插到钓竿座里去。Now get the butt into your butt rest.

苏打使女神在钓竿旁打盹英语口语人机对话。The soda made the goddess nod by the fishing rod.

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苏打使女神在钓竿旁打盹.The soda made the goddess nod by the fishing rod.

我等了又等,但是我的钓竿依然没有动静。I waited and waited but my fishing rod stood still.

比尔的钓竿已经裂了,马克的绕线轮也坏了。Bill's rod is splintered and Mark's reel out of fix.

错了,他如果只要钓竿,那他一条鱼也吃不到。If he just wanted the rod, then he would get none of the fish.

水库旁,池塘畔,一支钓竿,静坐水边。Reservoir next to the pond bank, a fishing rod, sit waterside.

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他坐在沙发上,打开装钓竿卷线器的包裹。He sat on the couch and opened the package with the reel in it.

我想我们需要先买一些饵,然后借一些钓竿。I think we need to buy some baits and borrow some fish poles first.

他一手拿着钓竿,另一手抬起来指了一指。He raised his finger to point, holding the fishing pole in his other hand.

搞一些互动的玩具比如说给他一个钓竿线去追。Invest in some interactive toys such as a fishing-pole line for him to chase.

这个控制键可以打开商店,在商店里你可以买新的鱼线,钓竿。This button opens shop where you can buy new fishing-line, fishing-rod and fly.

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访问站点的用户可以看到各种鱼饵、绕线轮、钓竿,等等。Users who access the site can see a variety of lures, reels, rods, and so forth.

钓客的船位于离陆地很远的汪洋上,他们在船上用又长又重的钓竿和绕线轴钓鱼。People fish from a large boat miles out in the ocean , using long , heavy rods and reels.

这一治疗钓竿是否能提供用户以刺激穴位。This curative fishing rod is capable of providing the user with an acupressure stimulator.

指的是可以伸缩的飞钓竿?那说的是方法还是装备呢?Tenkara is perfect for those in search of a pure, effective and simpler method of fly-fishing.

还好钓竿的腰力颇佳,在一段时间的坚持后,鱼儿渐渐地失去抵抗的力量。T hanks to the rod is stiff enough, the fish relaxed against power gradually after a period of time.

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在我收完之前,我的儿子便拿着断了线的钓竿走了回来。Before I could finish packing my stuff and get ready to move, I saw Andrew came back with broken line.

我总是在玩倒钓的时候保持钓线的半弯曲状态,并且将钓竿的的晃动幅度控制到最小!I always fish a drop shot with a slight bow in my line, but I really keep the rod shaking to a minimum.

老人转身看著钓竿的动静,再没人说话,只有海浪碎掉的牢骚轻鸣。He turned around, glanced at his fishing rod in the sea. Silence. Only the sound of breaking waves was heard.