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什么首饰?What jewelry?

珠宝首饰店。Jewelry store.

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她身上戴著许多首饰。She wears tons of jewelry.

这是一家现代化的首饰店。It was a modern jeweller's.

玉首饰要怎么选择呢?How do I choose jade jewelry?

纽约芬妮水晶首饰店。Fanny Crystal Jewelry Co. Inc.

那我那家首饰店呢?Then what about my jewelry shop?

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珍珠饰品,珍珠首饰,珍珠礼品。Chinese Pearl & Jewelry Co. , Ltd.

设计你自己的衣服和首饰。Design your own clothes or jewelry.

我喜欢戴银首饰。I like to wear argentine jewellery.

玛丽把首饰换成现金。Mary exchanged her jewels for cash.

右边的一个人还戴着首饰。The one on the right wears jewelry.

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他趁没人时把首饰藏了起来。He hid the jewels when nobody was by.

不可佩戴领带、首饰或识别证吊牌。No ties, jewelry or ID Card lanyards.

这些是什么生肖首饰用的?What are these zodiac jewelry used for?

你应把珠宝首饰锁起妥藏在保险箱内。You should lock the jewels in the safe.

穿刺处使用的首饰皮肤过敏skin allergies to the jewelry that's used

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在中国,黄金首饰业是一个增长型行业。Gold jewelry is a growth industry in China.

她把所有的金首饰都戴在胳膊上了。She wore all those gold things on her arms.

免费提供首饰礼品包装。We provide jewelry present packing for free.