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你是我的生命之火,我的欲念之光。You are my fire, you are my desire.

审慎的顾虑几乎被猖狂的欲念窒息。Is almost choked by unresisted lust.

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我生命之光,我欲念之火,我的罪恶,我的灵魂。Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.

放松的状态可以防止任何使我生活复杂的欲念。My constant state of relaxation would prevent any desire to complicate my life.

欲念、希望和期待控制了所有的行动,它们是全部实在的基础。Desire, wish, and expectation rule all actio and are the basis for all realities.

你的生活中可没有动机。你只有欲念而已。动机是理性的目标。There's no motivation in your life. You only desire. Motivation is the goal of reason.

战争的欲念能彻底摧毁和睦、康乐、安宁和满足。Thoughts of war bring destruction to all harmony, well-being, restfulness and content.

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因为我压制住我那狂热的欲念,我未曾请求他多留一会儿。And because I'm suppressing my hot desires, I have not pleaded with him to stay a while.

酋长觉察出探险者们垂涎黄金的欲念,就聪明地把金饰品作为礼物赠送给他们。Sensing the explorer's lust for gold, the chief wisely presented gold ornaments as gifts.

因此廉或贪等欲念的控管,必须自个人内心做起才有效。Therefore, controlling a man being incorruption and not avarice must start from his inner heart.

因为这种快乐,他确信自己已经将俗尘的欲念抛之脑后。Because of this happiness, he was quite sure he had left the ordinary desires of the world behind.

其实,他怀里抱着这个动人的女郎,胸脯已感到她的体形,却毫无欲念。Moreover, he had not the least passion for this lovely woman whose force he felt against his breast.

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当大家都在追求新知时,人们的欲念就会远远地超过了他们目前拥有的而感到不满足。When people seek for new knowledge, what they desire is much more than what they possess at present.

伊丽莎白-简斯内心里受着压抑而朴实的欲念,确是看得出、听得见,可以令人理解。The desire-sober and repressed-of Elizabeth-Jane's heart was indeed to see, to hear, and to understand.

假如他们顺其自然,放弃某些欲念,反到有机会获得新的或者更多的东西。Perhaps if they were to let go, their hands would then be open to grasp on to something newer and richer.

女人比较不那么容易有欲念,对着自己心爱的男人,有时候一个温柔的拥抱已胜过一切激情。Women are less likely to have desires, for his beloved man, sometimes a tender hug is better than all the passion.

这种欲念,和饥饿,使我瞬间就到达了新奥尔良,就像地平线尽头消失的一次闪电。This desire, and hunger, made me arrive in New Orleans in an instant, like a flash vanishing at the end of horizon.

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因为生命在呼吸间,如不及时反省、看开,放下欲念,这对我们的心念会有很大的杀伤力。Because life in between breaths, if not reflect, look on, put down the desire, which is our mind will be very lethal.

没有火焰好像欲念那样、没有掣肘好像憎恨那样、没有樊笼好像妄想那样、没有河流好像奢望那样。There is no fire like lust. There is no grip like hate. There is no net like delusion. There is no river like craving.

当欲念以诱惑与尘埃蒙住了我的心,呵,圣者,你是清醒的,请带着你的雷电降临。When desire blinds the mind with delusion and dust, O thou holy one, thou wakeful, come with thy light and thy thunder.