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那个女孩有副金嗓子。That girl has a golden voice.

我生来具有金嗓子的天赋I was born with the gift of a golden voice

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她有一副金嗓子,唱歌很甜美。She has a voice of gold and sings beautifully.

一下子几乎每个人都想听听这位有着金嗓子女孩的歌声,并一睹她的风采。Suddenly everybody wanted to see and hear this girl with the golden voice.

一个空荡荡的乐队,正是等着你来用你的金嗓子使之饱满,使之演奏。An empty orchestra just waiting for you to fill it up with your golden voice.

但这个拥有金嗓子无家可归的传奇故事已经失去了它的传奇色彩。But the tale of Homeless Man with the Golden Voice has already lost its fairy-tale patina.

你金嗓子正唱着雄浑的交响曲,而我则是一个忠实的听众。You were compositing vigorous and firm symphonies in beautiful tone, and I was your loyal listener.

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终于,在2007年,得知此事的大罗将金嗓子公司告上了法庭。Finally, in 2007, was informed that the matter will be Golden Melody big Romanian companies to court.

一曲花好月圆震惊了全场,唱响了老上海,金嗓子周璇一炮走红家喻户晓。The song Beautiful flower and moon impressed the old Shanghai and made the singer well-known as Golden Voice.

因此,像史崔克这样不修边幅窝在播音室椅子里的典型金嗓子播音员,老日子可能一去不返。As a result, the stereotype of a silken -voiced jockey like Mr. Stryker, slumped and disheveled in the studio chair, may never be the same.

还有些人称他可以效仿“金嗓子流浪汉”特德•威廉姆斯。威廉姆斯的视频上传至Yoube后迅速走红。Others suggested that he could follow the lead of homeless man Ted Williams whose deep voice propelled him to internet stardom after being featured on Youtube.

其他行业中,拥有两面针、金嗓子、花红药业、鱼峰水泥、网山白糖等一批全国知名品牌。Regarding to other industries, Liuzhou owns a number of name-brand products, such as LMZ toothpaste, Golden Throat lozenge, Huahong Pharmacy, Yufeng cement, Wangshan sugar etc.