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为每个操作创建一行说明。Create a line for each.

阁下,你是干哪一行的?What line is yours,Mr.?

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这一行动征服了伽弗洛什。This conquered Gavroche.

但在这里,我们只显示了第一行。We only show the first row.

我们只显示了第一行。We show only the first one.

此表只包含一行。This table has only one row.

他种植了一行洋白菜。He planted a row of cabbages.

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为每个服务器添加一行。Put one line for each server.

她真的想干这一行,and she really wants to do it,

他的这一行动史无空前。His actions were unprecedented.

神是如何带领保罗一行来到特罗亚的呢?How did God lead Paul to Troas?

机洗冷和干一行。Machine wash cold and line dry.

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编篮子这一行已逐渐衰弱。Basket-weaving is a dying trade.

第一行是白色的,第二行是灰色的。Row1 is white, and Row2 is gray.

青玉玉质,雕一行走的胡人。Jade carved jade, much of a walk.

那我现在在伪代码的哪一行呢?And what line of code am I on now?

他打字时漏了整整一行。He dropped a whole line in typing.

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是的,老兄,每一行都是的。It is true, man, every line of it.

这一行代码是干什么的啊?So what does this line of code do?

分号标志一行的结尾。The semicolons to terminate lines.