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高跷舞的基本动作是秧歌步。Stilt dance basic moves are Yangko step.

另一种著名的民间舞蹈是秧歌。Another well-known folk dance is the Yangge.

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人们开始用秧歌表现新生活……People began to reveal a new life through yangko.

唱词概括了临县秧歌的地区特色。County lyrics Yangko summarized characteristics of the region.

秧歌龙狮舞翩跹,营运活力赛八仙。The eight immortals yangko, dragon-lion dance to the operating vitality.

陕北地区把灯节活动称作“闹秧歌”In northern Shaanxi Province, the Lantern Festival is called "Nao yangko".

祁太秧歌是民间小戏在山西晋中的典型代表。The Qitai Yangge is the typical representative folk drama in central Shanxi.

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另外一种著名的民间舞蹈是秧歌,常在节日庆典时上演。Another folk dance is the Yangge, which is often performed on special occasions.

群众随着秧歌队进入其内,观赏各种秧歌表演。Common people enter it with the yangko team and enjoy all kinds of performances.

可以毫不夸张地说,秧歌的意义也正在于此。That, without too much exaggeration, was part of the significance of the Yangko.

秧歌的存在增加了年味和丰富了人们的生活。The existence of Yangge increases New year's atmosphere and enriches people's life.

秧歌队副队长黄英对秧歌情有独钟。Huang Ying, the deputy leader of the Yangko troupe had a special affection for Yangko.

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汾阳磕板秧歌从民国初期到五十年代是最活跃的一段时间。From the Republic to the early 50's Fenyang knock board Yangge is the most active period.

另外著名的民族舞蹈是秧歌,常常在节日庆典上表演。Another well-known folk dance is the Yangge, which is often performed on special occasions.

目前,定州秧歌发展日渐式微,抢救、保护和传承迫在眉睫。At present, the development of Dingzhou Yangko declining, rescue, protect and pass on imminent.

在艺术工作方面,不但要有话剧,而且要有秦腔和秧歌。In the arts, we must have not only modern drama but also the Shensi opera and the yangko dance.

当时活跃在汾阳和孝义两地的秧歌班不下二十个。The Yangge classes active in Fenyang and Xiaoyi was no less than 20, but now there is only one.

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在元宵节这天,人们都出来看灯笼和猜灯谜,也许你还能看见一些精彩的民间表演龙舞和秧歌。On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanter and gue the riddles on the lanter.

一听这个,我的心就激动起来了,恨不得一时就把年拜完了,好去看秧歌。This one, my heart up on the excitement, they wanted at the end of the year thanks, good to see Yangko.

定州秧歌在语言、唱腔、调式、剧目等方面有其独有的特色。Dingzhou Yangko in language, singing, adjusting style, repertoire and so has its unique characteristics.