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这项突袭计划正在被磨合。The assault plan was now honed.

唯一确定的事是,他们从来没有磨合到位。The only thing clear is that they never did.

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接纳与磨合,让爱经得起流年。Accepted and run, let love stand the fleeting time.

在琐碎中磨合到难以分离。Whet to match to the hard separation in the pettiness.

瑞吉纳国王的莉迪亚正在跟一个新的、积极上进的搭档磨合。Regina King's Lydia is dealing with an aggressive new partner.

你怎么看待你和你的队友之间磨合,尤其是勒布朗?How do you see what you do meshing with, in particular, LeBron?

新的球星融入了球队,但是球队之间的磨合很好。New stars have joined the club, but the group became well-oiled.

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第二步,局部磨合,内化知识要点。Second step, partial wearing, internalizes the knowledge main point.

那是不现实的,要有一个摸索磨合适应过程。That is not actual, should one fumbles adjust get used to a process.

本文介绍了HM磨合油的研制及使用效果。This artical presents the preparation and application of HM break-in oil.

静态磨合机是一种能将摩托车吊起并能测量动力的机械设备,它也能够用来磨合汽车发动机。A dyno is a machine in which the bike is strapped on and power is measured.

“房屋银行”目前尚处磨合阶段,也碰到不少难题。"Housing Bank" is still breaking-in period, and we faced many difficulties.

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人际间的磨合,是牡羊座2010年的重点。It is the key point for Aries in 2010 to improve interpersonal relationship.

也许在二十一世纪,经过长时间的磨合,人们可以证明这种政治经济学是稳定的。Perhaps plutonomy, in the 21st century, will prove stable over the long run.

我笑了,就在阿谁时刻,我懂患上我终于磨合了。I smiled, and at that moment, I knew that I was finally starting to break in.

张昊透露,经过四个月的磨合时间,现在已经基本上已经成型了。Zhang Hao said through The four-month run-in, and is now basically the shape.

张昊透露,经过四个月的磨合时间,现在已经基本上已经成型了。Zhang Hao said through The four-month run-in , and is now basically the shape.

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高铬钼抗磨合金本质为亚共晶型高合金白口铸铁。High chromium-Molybdonum wear-resistant alloys are hypoeutectic white cast iron.

较厚的皮革需要更长的时间来磨合,但制成的靴子更耐用,更具有支持性。Thicker leathers require longer to break in, but make a more durable, supportive boot.

更艰难的磨合还在于上南重组后的全面融合。More difficult after a wearing in also lies in south reorganizes the comprehensive fusion.