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然而,这正是我们对管理者进行奖惩的方式。And yet it's exactly how we reward and punish managers.

他们制定了一个奖惩表,用加分或冰激凌奖励他。They set up a chart to reward him with points or ice cream.

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对不对?所以我们把时间当作奖惩的一种手段。Right? So we use time as a means of reward and punishment. Right?

第二部分,研究开放市场环境下奖惩系统的极限分布。Second, we study the limited distribution of a bonus-malus system in an open market.

在国家治理的优先程序中,形与名只排在第五位,而奖惩办法更仅仅是排到第九位。In the sequence of governance, the forms and names rank fifth while the punishment ninth.

公司个部门应将员工假勤奖惩随时记录,作为年度考核依据。All departments should keep the punishment and praise record as the evidence of yearly evaluation.

所谓奖惩要分明,上帝更不会姑息养奸。The so-called rewards and punishments should be clear that God also will not be tolerated or abetted.

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他们的心态和奖惩措施,并没有因为出现了基金结构而发生实质性的变化。The mentality and the incentives have not really changed too much just because there is a fund structure.

针对这些不当行为,北京市政府日前宣布了“奖惩计划”等一系列的管理措施。Officials have announced a range of measures including "punishment and reward" programs to improve conduct.

奖惩机制是绝对不可能改变一个纯粹因为生物学条件所自发的行为过程的。No amount of reinforcement or punishment can alter the course of an entirely autonomous biological condition.

甲方有权对乙方履行制度的情况进行检查、督促、考核和奖惩。Party A have the right to inspect, supervise, assess and punish Party B's action of going through the system.

农田土壤质量评价是耕地地力升降实行奖惩使用的前提。Farm soil quality appraise is the prerequisite to realize the system of rewards and punisher- ents for using farm.

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奖惩路径中的活性提高是一种健康、非上瘾、充实的生活的正常伴随物。Elevated activity in the reward-reinforcement pathway is a normal concomitant of healthy, nonaddictive, engaged life.

如果这是正确的结论,那么我们还没有揭露在奖惩系统中,神经科学家关于上瘾的解释。If this is right, then we haven't discovered, in the reward reinforcement system, a neurochemical signature of addiction.

你也可以在其他游戏中表演脱衣,通常只需要能分出胜负,而后可实施奖惩。There are many other games you can play"strip" to, as long as there is regular winner and loser to rewardand punish respectively.

监狱文书中的奖惩文书是监狱在治监工作中依法对罪犯实施行政奖惩和刑事奖惩的真实记载和凭证。Prison reward and punishment documents are true records and evidences of criminals' executive and criminal rewards and punishments.

他说,他在美国期间坚定了他自由经营、依法办事和奖惩分明的信念。His time in America, he says, reinforced his strong belief in free enterprise, in the rule of law and in the value of rewarding merit.

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眶额皮层奖惩学习,行为灵活性,冲动控制,情绪及决策。Orbitofrontal cortex Learning from rewards and punishments, behavioral flexibility, impulse control, emotional and social decision making.

甲方有权对乙方履行制度的情况进行检查、督促、考核和奖惩。Party A is entitled to inspect, urge, examine, encourage and penalize Party B on the performance of the regulations established by Party A.

是提高监狱奖惩文书制作的文字水平与质量的关键。So solving the standardization problems of making prison reward and punishment documents is the key to improving its writing levels and quality.