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它是世界上含沙量最多的河流。It is the most sandiness river in the world.

黄河水因高含沙量而成黄色。The river is yellow because of high content of sand in the water.

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这千岛湖的水啊平均含沙量是每立方米0.007千克。The sand content in the water of Qiandao Lake averages just 0.007 kilos per cubic meter.

如果土壤含沙量不够,则需在土壤表面覆盖3英尺的细沙。If your soil does not contain a lot of sand, add a 3-inch layer of sand on top of the soil.

建坝后水库下泄水流挟带的床沙质含沙量减少,坝下游河床出现冲刷。The released flow from reservoirs carries less sediment load of bed material than pre? dam periods.

判断土壤的含沙量是否合适,可以将土壤微微湿润之后,用手团成一个球。To determine if your soil is sandy or not, take a handful of moistened soil and roll it into a ball.

其中的有效输沙流量及其相应含沙量采用本文方法估算。The bankfull discharge and corresponding sediment concentration is estimated through the above method.

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依据黄河下游“多来多排”的输沙特性,建立了多输入单输出的含沙量过程预报响应函数模型。A response function is established based on the sediment transport characteristic of "more in, more Out".

坡面水流含沙量对坡面产沙有一定的影响,随坡长越大影响力越小。The sand content in the water flux affects the down stream sand and with less impact when the slope is long.

你可以看一下这篇土地,含沙量非常高,有机质含量非常低,而且盐分很高,和海水的含盐量差不多。It's very low in organic matter. And also the soil here, um, is very high in salt, being so close to the sea.

黄河是中国第二大河并以其含沙量特大和下游的“地上悬河”而闻名于世。Yellow River is the second large river in China and it is also famous in the world as the abundant sand river.

黄河水的浊度与含沙量之间没有固定的比值关系。The ratio between turbidity and the concentration of high-turbidity water of the Huanghe River is not constant.

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分析了洪水期,三门峡出库不同含沙量级中,输沙用水量与黄河下游河道泥沙冲淤调整的关系。It can be applied to the operation of Sanmenxia Reservoir to decrease the aggradation in the Lower Yellow River.

如果介质的温度高或含沙量高,对密封件有特殊的要求,请及时联系VANO。If medium temperature is high or sand content is high, the seals have special requirement, please contact with VANO.

由破波带向岸方向,流速逐渐减小,含沙量逐渐增加。The current velocity decreased and the suspended sediment concentration increased from the surf zone to the near shore.

通过层层分析,提出问题,用两相流理论引入计及水沙相间作用的含沙量比尺,用三维变态模型改进动床面阻力相似问题。And the tri-dimensional distorted model is used to solve the problem of resistance similarity on the side of movable bed.

笔者采用数字手段去测取超声波信号的频差,通过频差法可得出流体的平均速度,进而获得高含沙量流体的流量。A digital signal processing way is established to obtain ultrasonic signal frequency shift in the test of high sand content fluid flow.

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另一支流发源于加拿大与美国的边境地区,河流水量小,含沙量大,水位年变化大。Another tributaries originate in Canada and the United States border areas, small river water, sediment, the water level in major changes.

通过对苗柱净的助剂与填料的研究发现,采用含沙量较少的高岭土及脂肪酸酯类表面活性剂可提高菌核净的总悬浮率。In this paper, studying find that using sandless kaolin and tallow esters as filler and adjuvant can improve dimetachlone s total suspensions.

乐清湾避风条件好,潮流动力强,含沙量小,具有较好的建港条件。Yue-qing Bay is a good place as a port for its ideal natural conditions such as safely basin, strong tide flow and low sediment concentration.