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巴林一名博主被严刑拷打。Bahraini blogger tortured.

这份供词是严刑逼供得来的。The confession was made under torture.

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供认是警方严刑逼供得到的.The confession was extracted under torture by the police.

陈大恼羞成怒,让人找到领头的黑子,严刑拷问。Chen angry, let a person find the leading sunspot, torture.

严刑拷打被以一种宗教主题的形式描绘出来。The subject of torture was depicted with a religious theme.

迫于严刑的威胁,他最后承认了所犯谋杀罪行。He would eventually confess to the murders under the threat of torture.

影佐将军带刑书媛来见已经被严刑拷打过的雪儿。Shadow with the general belt XingShu apologise to see snow had been tortured.

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面对太田的严刑拷打,季德平沉默以对宁死不屈。Facing too, the field of torture, JiDePing silence to die rather than give in.

严刑竣法太过,只会使受罚者成为人们心目中的烈士,而非罪犯。The victim to too severe a law is considered as a martyr rather than a criminal.

这些士兵在敌人的手中遭受了各样的严刑拷打。The soldiers endured many kinds of torture when they were in the hands of the enemy.

那自毁毁人者,她必以严刑惩罚。Whoso destroys it in himself and others, him she punishes with the sternest tyranny.

被监禁的人时时受到严刑苦打与凌虐。Detainees are routinely subjected to severe beatings, torture and other ill-treatment.

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他说他开枪杀死奥斯瓦尔德是为了让他免遭肯尼迪家族的严刑拷打。He said he shot Oswald to prevent the Kennedy family from having to live through a trial.

在监牢里特务队谭俊严刑逼供,但最后谭俊也没说出他们想要的情报。In prison spy team Tan Jun torture, but Tan Jun finally did not say they want intelligence.

严刑峻法惩罚罪犯是法治民主国家政府的天职,任何罪犯都必须面对法律制裁。It is the duty of a government founded on democracy and the rule of law to punish criminals.

因此,为着抑制罪案的泛滥,无论大小轻重罪犯都需要严刑峻法加以制裁。To curb the rise of crime rates, all criminal acts, whether serious or minor, must be punished.

官员,还有公民自由律师,他们拒绝加入严刑拷打的队伍中去,拒绝以此降低国家的尊严。A. officers, and civil liberties lawyers who refused to degrade the country by engaging in torture.

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他声称受到科威特安全部队的严刑拷问,包括被拔甲等。He has claimed he was tortured by Kuwaiti security forces, including having his fingernails pulled out.

严刑拷打的方式从暴打到使用了锤子和锁链的方式不等。The methods of torture vary from heavy beatings to despicable techniques that involve hammers and chains.

总之,唯有当严刑峻罚加之于违法之徒时,才能维持社会安定。To sum up, only when strict punishment can be imposed on the lawless, can social stability be maintained.