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多年的战事已经使得这个地区满目疮痍。Years of fighting have left the area in ruins.

那儿土地已经变得满目疮痍,很多人都离开了。The land is scarred and many of the people have left.

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但是这个满目疮痍、血淋淋的年代仅用事实就让我目不暇接。But the era, its ruins, and its blood overwhelm us with facts.

在地震过后的满目疮痍里闪烁着两线模糊的希望。Two faint hopes flicker in the sodden gloom left by the earthquake.

这些“病毒”“高科技垃圾”把地球母亲弄得满目疮痍。All these virus and high-tech rubbish make the earth thoroughly refuted.

在发现这座满目疮痍的寺庙后,法国人做了大量的修复工作,直到1970年为止。The French , after discovering the ruined temple , did a lot of repair work up until 1970.

但即便经济市场满目疮痍,也不能一概论之,对今年的毕业生来说,前景仍旧很乐观。But even with the darkening economic clouds, rays of good news await this year’s graduates.

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泪水从她脸上滚落,滴在了报纸上,那张报纸上的家,已经满目疮痍。Sato's tears fell down her face, dropping onto the newspaper revealing the devastation to her home.

帝国分崩离析,留给人民的只有满目疮痍的土地和恐怖战争的回忆。The empire collapsed and the people were left only devastated lands and the memories of the terrible war.

本是盛装打扮的景点,被各种各样的垃圾覆盖像是一块块伤疤,最后满目疮痍!As a costumed spot, it turns into crumbling condition with pieces of scars being covered with various waste!

月亮就在我们上方,凸面对着我们仿佛要把我们挤压粉碎,像一个荒废的屋顶,满目疮痍像一个干酪粉碎机。The moon was above us, a convex shape almost crushing us, a ruined roof, studded with holes like a cheese grater.

万吉的电话跟钱被抢光,他的贩卖手机与鲜肉的店则被劫掠得满目疮痍。Mr Mwangi's phone and money were stolen and his stall, which sells mobile phone credit and fresh meat, was ransacked.

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他很肯定地说最近几个月已经很少发生袭击事件了,现在的穆哈姆迪亚已经不再是以前那个饱经战乱、满目疮痍的城市了。He insisted that there have been few attacks in recent months and that Mahmudiya had come a long way from its tortured past.

他的兄弟现在他们家满目疮痍的手机店外,摆了成千的弹壳和其它战争纪念品。His brother has now arranged thousands of shells and other war memorabilia outside the family's ransacked mobile phone shop.

我随着父亲穿行于那条满目疮痍的窄径小巷,兰布拉斯闪烁的灯光在我们身后依次暗淡。I followed my father through that narrow lane, more of a scar than a street, until the glimmer of the Ramblas faded behind us.

当一种最率真的艺术形式也被修饰和体制化以后,艺术这块纯净之地已是污迹斑斑、满目疮痍了。When a most straightforward art form has been polished and systemized, as a clean world art has also been polluted and scared.

经历十小时暴风袭击后,国内许多地方情况紧急,暴风过后满目疮痍。A state of emergency was declared across much of the country following the 10-hour storm that left swathes of destruction in its wake.

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泪水从她脸上滚落,滴在了报纸上,那张报纸上的家,已经满目疮痍。她随后向我们表示歉意,说她太过情绪化了。Sato's tears fell down her face, dropping onto the newspaper revealing the devastation to her home. Sato apologized for her emotional display.

大震后的克赖斯特彻奇满目疮痍。惊魂未定的居民们星期天开始面对这场罕见大地震所造成的破坏。Christchurch awoke Sunday to another grim day as shell-shocked 3. assess the damage inflicted by one of the country's most powerful earthquakes.

震后的日本满目疮痍,就像好莱坞灾难大片中的特效场景一样——只不过这次一切都是真的。The scene might have been lifted from from one of those digital effect-laden Hollywood catastrophe movies -- except this time it was all too real.