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他老打个人小算盘。He is always calculating.

然而,每个人都可能打着自己的如意小算盘。However, all may have ambitions of their own.

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至于他的观点到底准不准确另当别论,不过,现在的消费者都有自己的小算盘可是真的。As for his views to say whether it, but now consumers have their own small abacus but true.

这时候,他的小算盘里只剩下与他自己的自大纠缠不休的绝望罢了。His calculation at this point is little more than desperation, the last twist of his hubris.

至于那四个实际问题,各方意见远没有达成一致,各方在这四个问题背后的经济利益上都打着自己的小算盘。There are disagreements over all four practical elements, each linked to economic self-interest.

但是研究人员认为,每一盏信号灯都遵循“丛林原则”,只会为自己打‘小算盘’,而不会形成和谐的局面。But this “jungle principle” of every light for itself does not result in harmony, the researchers said.

上述建议现在依然适用,但衰退了许多人的小算盘。All of that advice might well remain apt today, but the recession has changed the calculus for many workers.

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他们永远都不知道我们心中的小算盘,第一节是数学课,我们都趁机逃了。They never know in our hearts a small abacus, section I, is a mathematics lesson, we have the opportunity to escape.

虽然小算盘打得不错,但是由于杂事缠身,当天晚上我没有来得及润色讲稿就上床休息了。Despite good intentions, I got distracted with other stuff and went to sleep that night without refining the speech notes.

食物是最大的花销,所以很多购物者们在逛街的时候尽量使心里的小算盘与扔进手推车里的东西一致。And food’s a major expense. So a lot of shoppers try to keep a mental tally of what they toss into the cart as they go along.

但现在欧洲经济岌岌可危,美国经济复苏缓慢,投资者们心里又打起了小算盘。But now, with European economies in shambles and the U.S. undergoing a slow recovery, investors are turning that wisdom on its head.

最终睁开眼睛时,你可能会大吃一惊,没想到为了满足个人的小算盘,自己竟然这样模糊地看世界。When you finally open your eyes , you may be shocked at the obscured way you have been viewing the world to suit your own little plans.

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这就是我想说的!阴谋论的小算盘实在打够了。西方从一帆风顺的中国那获得的远比混乱的中国的要多。Yeah that's what I thought! Enough with the small minded conspiracy theories. The west has much more to gain from a successful China than one without stability.

然而,这个机灵鬼打着哄有同情心的阿尔弗雷多这个格言大都出自好莱坞编剧笔下的老头收他当学徒的小算盘。However, the resourceful imp manages to finagle an apprenticeship out of the sympathetic Alfredo, whose adages come mostly from the pens of Hollywood screenwriters.

那些打着保护幌子的“文明人”会以保护的名义打着各自的小算盘……他们会大规模建设旅游园地,开发各种各样的旅游项目,把活生生的野生华南虎关进死气沉沉的铁笼。And those "good men" will pretend to protect tigers but actually seek profit for themselves. They will build a large resort and develop tour projects, incarcerating lively tigers into lifeless cages.