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吞食者是什么?。What the Devourer is?

他必被蛆虫吞食。He shall be eaten of worms.

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老虎吞食了捕获到的动物。The tiger devoured its prey.

吞食王使用分担痛苦!The battlers shared their pain!

吞食恐龙的是像蜥蜴的蛇Dinosaur Devourer Was Lizard-like Snake

它像绵羊或蛞蝓一样吞食植物。Like a sheep or a slug, it eats plants.

氰化氢如果被吞食,是非常危险的。HCN is extremely dangerous if swallowed.

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有些鹰类和鸟类把猎获物整个吞食。Some hawks and owls bolt their prey whole.

在睡眠中,也不去演习完美的捕杀和吞食。Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.

野生的蛇喜欢吞食农家的生鸡蛋。Wild snakes like to eat eggs from the farm.

一只沙漠蛛蜂正在吞食马利筋的花粉。The tarantula hawk wasp feeds on milkweed pollen.

我们还是不明白吞食者到底是什么。But, we still can't figure out what the Devourer is.

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有些书只需浅尝辄止,有些书该囫囵吞食。Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.

若不慎吞食矽胶,更会对健康造成严重影响。And the silicone slip into also bad for human health.

食尸鬼通过吞食目标的血肉来回复自己的生命。N'aix restores some of his life force by eating flesh.

噬菌体是一种攻击并吞食细菌的病毒。Bacteriophages are viruses that attack and eat bacteria.

每天吞食200毫克的烟酸铬。Swallow 200 micrograms a day of chromium polynicotinate.

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黑手在对抗搜索者和吞食者时也非常有效。Black Hands also work well against Seekers and Devourers.

如果你吞食太多,你的喉咙一定会噎住。If you swallow too much food, you must choke your throat.

再愚蠢的鱼也不会再次吞食同一块钓饵。It's a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.