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直接作用于外周化学感受器。Act directly to peripheral chemoreceptor.

该装置与机体的压力感受器一起工作。The device works with the body's baroreceptors.

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因此,这些感受器被归为化学感受器。Accordingly, these receptors are termed chemoreceptors.

现在他们可以触摸他的头,她的那一部分已经没有痛觉感受器了。Now they can touch her brain, which has no pain receptors.

这些药影响脑中一种叫做GABA感受器的结构。These drugs affectstructures in the brain called GABA receptors.

三度烧伤破坏整层皮肤,无痛感,因痛觉感受器已随真皮全被破坏。There is no pain, because the skin's pain receptors are destroyed.

当血压上升时,压力感受器向大脑发送信号。When blood pressure rises, the baroreceptors send messages to the brain.

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老鼠和人类的眼睛都有三种可以感光的感受器。Mice, and humans, have three types of light-detecting receptor in the eye.

据估计鸮鹉有667个起作用的嗅觉感受器。The team estimates that the kakapo has 667 functional olfactory receptor genes.

当压力感受器和大脑发现低血压时,相反的发生。The opposite happens when the baroreceptors and brain detect low blood pressure.

结果青蛙卵的表面被布满了蚊子的嗅觉感受器。As a result, the surface of the egg is covered with the mosquito odorant receptors.

尼古丁会粘附于多种感受器,或者是细胞表面的停靠点。Nicotine hooks onto a variety of receptors, or docking sites, on the surface of cells.

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这些感受器在雌雄蜂触角上的数量和分布具有一定差异。The number and distribution of each type of sensilla is different between male and female.

辣是疼痛的代名词,它是舌头上痛觉感受器激活的结果。The sensation of spiciness is the result of the activation of pain receptors in the tongue.

该研究显示突变的IGRP基因阻断了葡萄糖激酶作为感受器的活性。The research shows that the mutated IGRP gene blocks the action of a sensor called glucokinase.

皮肤内分布着独立的专门感受器,能对皮肤温度的升降作出反应。There are separate, specific receptors that respond to decreases or increases in skin temperature.

该感受器位于丘脑下部的一小部分神经元上,这正是管理人的食欲的地方。This one is located on a small set of neurons in the hypothalamus, a region that regulates appetite.

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“血腥玛丽”能够触动我们的各种味觉感受器,甜甜的、咸咸的、酸酸的、辣辣的。And it lights up nearly our entire range of taste receptors, giving us sweet, salty, sour and savory.

蜚蠊尾须毛形振动感受器受离心神经纤维控制。The hair-like vibrative receptor of the cockroach cercus is controlled by the centrifugal nerve fibers.

实际上你身体中有一群特化的神经细胞,名为“痛觉感受器”,他们对疼痛做出反应。There is actually a group of specialized nerve cells in your body called nociceptors that react to pain.