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独上迎春饮一杯。Alone climbing , greet Spring , drink one cup.

柳迎春担心穆雪飞,自然是追随左右。About worry LiuYingChun MuXueFei, nature is to follow.

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乡村式生活气息迎春而扬。That is just the village living in a spring-like season.

红梅一枝独放,她是迎春的美丽使者。A sole blossom, the red plum is the pretty messenger to welcome spring season.

从湖北到胶东,柳迎春一路跟着穆雪飞,可谓是千里逐爱。All the way from hubei to jiaodong, LiuYingChun follow MuXueFei, is far away by love.

黄鸣锋、兰如剑、柳迎春三人前往日军兵工厂侦察。Huang feng, like a sword, three people to the Japanese Arsenal LiuYingChun reconnaissance.

周迎春的女儿在2003年出生,直到一个月后他才能抱她一下。Zhou Yingchun was not allowed to hold his baby daughter until one month after she was born in 2003.

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金光集团运动员代表方迎春先生还代表全体运动员宣誓。Sinar Mas Group on behalf of the athletes Mr. Fang Yingchun was also sworn in on behalf of all athletes.

相传,浑源等县民间自古就有击鼓迎春的习俗。Legend has it that, Hunyuan County, and other non- drumming since ancient times to greet the spring practices.

宝钗日与黛玉迎春姊妹等一处,或看书下棋,或作针黹,倒也十分乐业。Baochai spent her time with Daiyu, Yingchun and the other girls very happy to read, play CheSS or sew with them.

两人喝了一肚子水,终于柳迎春忍不住跳进海里,将穆雪飞托出水面。Two people now have a drink of water, finally LiuYingChun couldnt help jumped into the sea, will MuXueFei above the water.

仔细欣赏这几棵迎春的柳树,长长的枝条上,只是缀着浅浅的,星星点点的绿。Carefully watch these trees at the Spring Festival of the willow, the branches long, but festooning shallow, dots of green.

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在2010年迎春晚会上,阿尔法碱铜生产基地进行了09年评优活动。On the Spring Festival evening party of 2010, an awarding ceremony for year 2009 was held at the manufacturing base of TBCC.

现场的工作人员告诉记者,今年春节八一广场布置的主题是“百虎迎春幸福南昌”。Field staff told reporters that the Chinese New Year Bayi Square layout's theme is "One Hundred Tigers Spring Nanchang happy."

下周五,中国琵琶演奏家吴玉霞将在国家大剧院举行飞雪迎春独奏会。Next Friday, Chinese musician Wu Yuxia will give a Pipa concert. "For this concert, I prepared both a solo and band performance.

惟在拱海门首挂“八仙庆寿”排灯,迎春门尾挂“龙凤呈祥”排灯。However, in the first arch Haimen a "Sin Keiju" row lights, tail gate to greet the spring a "dragon and phoenix phoenix" light emission.

珠海大型迎春灯会,将于本月26日在白莲洞公园拉开帷幕,灯会的各项筹备工作目前正在进行中。The 2006 Zhuhai Grand Spring Lantern Show will be held at Bailiangdong Park on January 26th. The preparatory work is currently under-way.

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它一部分来自古老的迎春佳节,一部分源于基督徒纪念耶稣基督复活的仪式。Partly, it comes from old festivals2 to celebrate Spring. And partly it comes from the Christian celebration of the rebirth3 of Jesus Christ.

铁虎、兰如剑、柳迎春、钟小娴四人带着血清赶往黄鸣锋藏身的三岔河村马掌柜家。Iron tiger, such as sword, LiuYingChun, Zhong Xiaoxian four people with a serum to huang feng hiding three horse the shopkeeper ChaHe village home.

1月17日晚,长沙市工商界人士迎春酒会暨首届转型升级“双十佳”颁奖典礼举行。The Chinese New Year Banquet & First Awarding Ceremony Commending Enterprises' Transformation and Upgrade was held in Changsha on the evening of Jan. 17.