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认识和把握客观事物的规律性,是人类从必然王国走向自由王国的前提。Identifying and grasping things' natural law is the premise for man to make for the realm of freedom.

人类的历史,就是一个不断地从必然王国向自由王国发展的历史。History of mankind, is a continuously from the kingdom of necessity to the free kingdom of development history.

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人的全面发展,是从必然王国向自由王国的不断发展的历史过程。People"s development in an all-round way is a historical course that develops constantly from a realm of necessity to a realm of freedom."

创新开辟新的自由,然而在进入新的“自由王国”之际,会遇到未曾预期的新的“必然王国”。Innovations provide indeed new freedom, however, while entering the new "Freedom Realm", the new "Necessity Realm" will be the inevitable challenge facing us.

此外,人生活丰富性的拓展、人主体能动性的提升、人类由必然王国向自由王国的跃迁都是通过社会生产实践来实现的。Besides, social produce practice rich people life step up hominine subjective activity, and further human transition from realm of necessity to realm of freedom.

对操控人心的力量保持警醒与惊觉,已成为人类从必然王国走向自由王国的前提。Keeping awaken and alarmed to the strength that control human mind has become the premise of human walking from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom.

这是一个从低级到高级、从简单到复杂、从“必然王国”到“自由王国”的持续不断的永恒发展过程。This is a continual and eternal developing process from low level to high level, from simplicity to complexity and from "realm of necessity" to "realm of freedom".

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系统的MBA理论的学习,使得作者的认识得以提升,从管理的必然王国向着理想王国迈进!The study of systematic MBA theory, make the author's understanding be promoted, stride forward from the realm of necessity of management towards the ideal kingdom!

这种从“必然王国”向“自由王国”的不断接近构成了经济全球化时代人类文化发展的根本形式和主要过程。The main mode and process for mankind cultural development in the age of economic globalization is that the process from the kingdom of inevitability to the kingdom of freedom.

文化源于人类对严酷生存环境的挑战的回应,文化是人类面临生存威胁和压迫所采取的策略和手段,文化生成和演进的过程是人类从必然王国迈向自由王国的过程。Culture originates from man's reaction to the challenge from harsh living environment. Culture is the strategy and means that man uses when they face existence threats and oppression.

物质生产力的发展是人类实现自由全面发展的基础和从必然王国向自由王国迈进的条件。The development of material productivity is to achieve free and comprehensive development of human foundation and the conditions of from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.

因此,当一个艺术家能够自觉地超越自我,从“必然王国走向自由王国”时,那种自由流畅地表达个人内心情感的状态,必然会开拓出新的创作领域。Therefore, when an artist can outdo himself and move towards realm of freedom from inevitable kingdom, his free expression of inner emotion is then bound to open up a new creative area.

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马克思认为物质生产对于人类而言永远是必然王国,未来的自由王国只能建立在这个必然王国的彼岸。Marx maintains that production of materials is always a realm of necessity for mankind. And it is based on the realm of necessity that man will arrive at the realm of freedom in the future.