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劳教中心计划强调严守纪律、刻苦训练、辛勤工作和起居有恒。It emphasises strict discipline, strenuous training, hard work and a vigorous routine.

从治学态度来看,学生要有学而不厌和学贵有恒的精神。From his scholarly attitude of the students have Insatiable and the immutability of your spirit.

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远洋船员的责任心与其人格特质中的有恒性和自律性有关。The sense of responsibility of seafarers is related to the perseverance and self-discipline of their personality.

采用磁力扭矩式封盖头,自动抓盖、拧盖,有恒力矩封盖功能。Use magnetic torque type capping heads, automatic grasping cover, screw cap, immutability torque capping function.

⊙、人,第一要有志,第二要有识,第三要有恒,有志则断不甘为下流。People, the first to aspiring, second to know-how, the third to persistence, aspiring broken unwilling as indecent.

结论护理本科学生整体人格特征呈高敢为性、高兴奋性、高紧张性、低有恒性、低怀疑性、低稳定性的趋势。Conclusions BNS' personality characteristics show a trend to be high level in H, F, Q4, and low one in G, L, C of the 16PF.

研究结果表明,多极化通道自适应匹配滤波器相对于杂波协方差矩阵有恒虚誉的性质。It is shown that the proposed detector has the const false alarm properties with respect to the covariance matrix of the clutter.

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研究结果表明,该相干雷达极化恒虚警检测算法相对于杂波协方差矩阵有恒虚警的性质。It is shown that the proposed detector has the constant false alarm properties with respect to the covariance matrix of the clutter.

时有恒先生所藏新文学运动时期现代版图书中的毛边书共有50余种,均具有很强的史料价值。There are more then 50 kinds of uncut books during the period of the New Culture Movement, which have very important historical value.

胸怀远大目标与理想,坚毅、勇气、廉正、豁达、智慧、有志、有识、有恒、有为、有礼。Cherish lofty ideals and goals, perseverance, courage, integrity, expansive, wisdom, who have knowledge, Youheng, promising, courteous.

结果本次测查16PF问卷几乎所有因子的分值与1988年常模存在显著性差异,男生G有恒性因子除外。Results Almost all the personality factors except factor G are significantly different between the result of this research and norm in 1988.

结论人格因素中,有恒性、持强性、兴奋性、幻想性有助于大学生更好地发挥个人的潜智,在高等教育中应加强这方面人格的培养。Conclusion For the contributions to students' intellectuality, cultivation of G, E, F and M in personality should be strengthened in college.

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稳定成熟、现实理智、易兴奋激动、有恒负责、做事尽职等成为摩梭儿童的民族群体人格特点。Therefore, the Mosuo children obviously characterize to be mature and stable, realistic and sane, easy to be exiting, unvarying and responsible.

备有恒扭矩旋盖头,压力可方便调整。结构紧凑、合理、能方便与其他设备联动成线。Constant torque with screw head, the pressure can be easily adjusted. Compact structure, reasonable, and to facilitate linkage with other equipment into line.

变量泵的控制方式有恒压力、恒流量、恒功率、电液比例和负荷敏感控制等。Variable displacement pump's control style has many ways, such as constant pressure, constant fluid, constant power, electrohydraulic proportional and load-sensing etc.

判断型个体善于交往和社会化程度高,做事有强的责任感、计划性和有恒性,适应新环境能力较强,成就感强。Type presented as sociability and high socialization, strong sense of responsibility, planning, persistency , good adaptability in the new environment and strong sense of achievement.

上海恒硕秉承“道以拙成,有恒乃硕“的古训,凝聚具有真诚、坚韧、自强、创新特质的优秀团队。Shanghai High-sure which always taking the belief "value is hard to realize, only persistence can make fecundity" has accumulated an excellent team with honesty, tenacity, self-renewal and innovate.

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但在乐群性、聪慧性、恃强性、有恒性、敢为性、敏感性、怀疑性、世故性、忧虑性、自虑性、紧张性等11种人格特质上并不存在显著差异。However, X2, intelligence, aggressiveness, persistency , daring, sensitivity, suspicion, urbane, anxiety, since consider, such as the tense 11 personality traits there is not a significant difference.