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务须注意下列各项。Attention must be paid to the following.

你务须听从父母的话。You must give ear to what the parents tell you.

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竞技场奖励是务须多说的。Arena Points rewards oughta be self-explanatory.

在装饰房间时你务须要使地毯和窗帘子相配。When decorating the room, you should see to it that the carpets match the curtains.

因此,阁下在与其他用户进行交易时务须小心防范欺骗行为。You are therefore advised to be careful in dealing with other Users to avoid fraud.

因此,广告传播务须正视民族文化的功能。Therefore, advertising communication must face up to the function of national culture.

务须了解所用数据库中的数据库对象标识规则。Be sure you know the rules for identifying database objects in the database you are using.

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为保安理由,施工单位务须出示此副本,方会获发工作证通行。For security purposes, contractor must present the copy of this page to get the work pass.

准投资者在决定投资「可赎回」ELI前,务须先阅览各披露文件。Prospective investors should read each Disclosure Document before deciding to invest in a Callable ELI.

追求梦想,心境务须年轻。与人相处,心智则须成熟。In your pursuit of your passions, always be young. In your relationship with others, always be grown-up.

包装及唛头的详细情况见附页,这些要求务须严格遵循。Please refer to the Appendix for packaging and shipping details. These requirements are strictly to be complied with.

各成员间务须跨越企业界线,将自身流程向外延伸,透过高效率电子连结降低出单作业时程,将原本著重功能导向结构转换以流程驱动,以满足客户及时需求与预期。And each member shall extend its own procedures to the other ones and by electronic links with each other decrease the workload to live up to the customers' expectations.

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一个务须征服的社会问题是,用户以为他或她不应当任何时候都一定思忖安全,进而完整谢绝去思考它了。One of the social problems that must be overcome is that of the user that thinks he or she shouldn't ever have to think about security, and thus refuses to think about it at all.

使用完毕务须检查电源是否确定关闭,并清理电器与炊煮区,垃圾携至垃圾场丢弃,以保持整洁。When finished you must check that appliances are turned off. Additionally, all appliances and the cooking area must be cleaned. Rubbish also needs to thrown out to maintain tidiness.

你务须让步、宽容、和善、温厚、怜悯、谦和,总是使你人生的小礼仪、亲热的行为、温柔、高兴、鼓励的话语常保清爽。You must be yielding, forbearing, kind, tenderhearted, pitiful, courteous, ever keeping fresh the little courtesies of life, the tender acts, the tender, cheerful, encouraging words.

杰克逊希望通过这次谈话务须使双方找到一个能够准确平衡布莱恩特的训练时间和在常规赛中上场时间的方案。The dialogue entailed Jackson's want for both of them to outline a plan with which they could find the right balance for Bryant to limit his practice time and regular-season playing time.

为了顺当完成工作,该国的联系人告诉你,你务须向本地警察支付一笔开支,作为其和谐交通的弥补。To ensure the equipment is transported successfully, your contact in that country informs you that you will have to pay the local police a fee for coordinating traffic. What should you do?