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他是一个神甫,一个贤达之士,也是一个大丈夫。He was a priest, a sage, and a man.

柳下先生你是社会贤达,而令弟却为土匪头。You are sage while your brother is the head of bandit.

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负责美尔森贤达焊接质量系统的良好运行。Be responsible for good run of Mersen XD welding system.

最后,我在此感谢所有赞助和支持我们商会的社会贤达。In closing, I want to thank all our sponsors and supporters.

以下影片视频,欢迎国、内外各界专业贤达与影评专家严格检视评鑑。All professionals are invited to view and examine the following video clips.

委员会成员包括法律学者、执业律师和社会贤达。Its membership includes academics, practising lawyers and prominent community members.

有现任内阁大臣、将军、主教、社会贤达和妇女。There were present cabinet ministers and generals arid bishops and learned men and women.

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该委员会的成员包括行政会议和临时立法会成员,以及其他社会贤达。It consists of members of the Executive and Provisional Legislative Councils, and other prominent citizens.

除了会晤商界领袖及社会贤达外,陈女士还发表了一个有关香港过渡的主题演讲。Apart from meeting business and community leaders, Mrs Chan gave a keynote speech on Hong Kong's transition.

贤达美尔森公司被公认为是应用各种高性能材料制造化工设备的一流的中国工厂。Ltd is one of Chinese subsidiaries of Mersen Group, merged by Shanghai Xianda Lorraine Pressure Vessels Manufacturing CO.

努力倡导家长与学校协同办学,积极引进社会贤达人士参与学校教育。Parents are strongly encouraged to collaborate with school and people from the local community are invited to supplement school education.

循规蹈距的社会贤达,则时时刻刻地关注自己的一举一动,唯恐有失态之时。The social sages, who follow rules docilely, care in every moment for their appearance, they fear to commit any gaffe in their social activity.

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循规蹈距的社会贤达,时时刻刻地关怀自己的仪容,恐怕有失态之举。The social sages, who follow rules docilely , care in every moment for their appearance, they fear to commit any gaffe in their social activity.

与会的还有校长代表、主任代表、退休教师代表、优秀教师代表、社会贤达等好几十人。The dozens of guests invited were representatives of headmasters, deans, retired teachers, excellent teachers and famous businessmen of the county.

他们究竟是以政府代表,抑或社会贤达,又或专业人士身分加入董事局,常常混淆不清。Seldom is it clear whether an official sits on a board in the capacity of a representative of the government, a pillar of society or a professional.

我们愿同社会各界贤达、商业精英在山洋电器这一广阔平台上共创事业,共享繁荣,报效社会!We are willing to join community leaders, business elites in this Sanyo Electric to create the cause of a broad platform, shared prosperity, to serve the community!

他们每个人也许都会认为这个归类有些可笑,不过他们皆因可一挫那些妄自尊大的政客和商人们的傲气而被尊为社会贤达。Each might regard the idea as risible, but their ability to deflate the reputations of self-important politicians and men of business makes classy moralists of them.

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在社会上我们所能遇到的最为贤达的人士属于商人以及阅尽世事的沧桑者,他们的言论及论点全来自于自己的所见所闻,而不会去编织一些陈词滥调来设定事理本应该如何如何以求得显著。The most sensible people to be met with in society are men of business and of the world, who argue from what they see and know, instead of spinning cobweb distinctions of what things ought to be.

祈请佛教界与学术界的贤达人士,共同思考其中的道理,并齐步迈向亲证解脱与智慧的真史学境界。Hope the wise in Buddhist and academic societies can contemplate the rationale in the papers together and march toward the state of true historiography that personally realize liberation and wisdom.