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我当然自惭形秽了。Of course I had a sense of inferiority.

即使说那说那是人让我感到自惭形秽。Even that I feel cheap to say that it was people.

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在你灿烂的笑容前,她只能自惭形秽。She can't hold a candle To the beauty of your smile.

但是,这个星期的一段经历使我自惭形秽。Well, this week I had an experience that humbled me.

让我们自惭形秽,对吧?They don't make us feel so good about ourselves. Right?

成年人在这个小姑娘的无私面前自惭形秽。Adults are humbled by the unselfishness of this little girl.

因为丑,自惭形秽的母亲一向都是孤独和寂寞的。Despising herself for being so ugly, my mother would leave herself alone.

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“我可以感觉到你的情绪,”狄娜承认说,脸上露出一丝自惭形秽的神色。"I can sense emotions, "Deanna admitted, with a trace of self-consciousness.

我们又很快便推让别人,仿似别人一定有更高的能力,继而感到自惭形秽。We quickly look at others as though they have superior abilities, and we feel inadequate.

慈爱的人应给自己保留一些缺点,以免朋友自惭形秽。A benevolent man should allow a few faults in himself, to keep his friends in countenance.

即使在贫穷甚至沦为厨房使女的时候,她也没有自惭形秽。However, when she becomes maid in the kitchen because of poverty, she is still optimistic.

慈爱的人应该给自己保留一些缺点,以免朋友自惭形秽。A benevolent man should allow a few faults in himself , to keep his friends in countenance.

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因此我们或许会对自己的容貌自惭形秽,可是依旧不愿以自己的容貌跟别人交换。Hence we may speak disparagingly of our looks and still not want to change our face for another.

我的孩子必须知道,没有人能让她自惭形秽,感到自己很丑,由内而外的美才是最美。She needs to know nobody can ever make her feel ugly, and that being a good person really is the best kind of beauty.

他从来没有想到他的爱人会这样的华贵,竟使他的内心立刻产生了一种自惭形秽的感觉。He had never thought of his sweetheart as of so superior a being, and he was instantly taken with a feeling of diffidence.

理论上,量子密钥分配可以保证通信过程中密钥的绝对安全性,因此使得传统密码术自惭形秽。In theory, QKD holds the key to unconditional security in communications, which make the traditional cryptography fell small.

他看起来“超凡脱俗”,而作为一个文化白痴加外人的我,恐怕在他面前只有自惭形秽的份儿。He seemed “otherworldly.” And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.

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他看起来“超凡脱俗”,而作为一个文化白痴加外人的我,恐怕在他面前只有自惭形秽的份儿。He seemed "otherworldly. " And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.

他看起来“超凡脱俗”,而作为一个文化白痴加外人的我,恐怕在他面前只有自惭形秽的份儿。He seemed “otherworldly. ” And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.

神拣选喇合这件事,可以激励每一个因早年不光彩经历而自惭形秽、自感不配的信徒。The fact that God chose Rahab is an encouragement for every believer who feels ashamed or even worthless because of an ugly past.