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博物馆每逢星期一闭馆。Oh, the museum is closed.

每逢星期天他总睡懒觉。Sundays he would sleep late.

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每逢下雨屋顶就漏雨。The roof leaks whenever it rains.

他通常每逢星期天度起床很晚。He usually gets up late on Sundays.

我每逢星期三都值夜班。I am on the night shift every Wednesday.

每逢我躺下来睡觉的时候,她就叫醒我。When I laid down to sleep, she waked me.

每逢星期日,库柏一家很早就起床。The Coopers get up very early on Sundays.

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每逢礼拜日,他必按时去参加一次普通弥撒。He went regularly to low mass every Sunday.

这班轮船每逢星期日和星期三开航。The steamboat sails on Sundays and Wednesdays.

每逢狐狸讲道,当心鹅儿遭殃。When the fox preacheth,then beware your geese.

每逢狐狸讲道,当心鹅儿遭殃。When the fox preacheth, then beware your geese.

每逢多雾天气,公车往往误点。As often as not the buses are late on foggy day.

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每逢讲完一个笑话,这老人就呵呵笑着表示他的高兴。After each joke the old man cackled his enjoyment.

每逢假期,奈良就在格拉斯司迪里找麻烦。On his day-off Nara looks for trouble in Glass City.

每逢到了紧要关头,她总是临阵退缩。When it comes to the point, she always shrinks back.

我每逢学期开始时都这样告诉教授。I asked professors each time when the semester begins.

每逢阿耳特弥斯打猎时,她负责携带弓箭。She carried bow and arrows for Artemis in her hunting.

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每逢喜福会的活动日,我父母便带我去许家。On Joy Luck nights, my parents brought me to the Hsus'.

只是每逢坏天气,腿痛起来的时候,我都会想起她。Only during bad weather, leg pain up, I will think of her.

但是从那时起,每逢春节,我就想起那盏小桔灯。But I recall the little orange lamp every Chinese New Year.