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钟表、钻咀、铣刀及五金模具等。Watches, drills and mills, mould etc.

给出了平头铣刀的无干涉路径规划。The interference-free tool path planning is given.

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工业上可采用的铣刀类型众多。A wide variety of milling cutters is available in industry.

因为立铣刀是圆的,所以无法划出直角。Because end mills are round. the mill can't cut inside right angles.

介绍了旋片铣削工作原理及其铣刀设计。The milling machine is often employed to cut spur and helical gears.

但目前三维复杂槽型铣刀片的种类较少,并且其槽型也多由经验定型,缺乏理论依据。The groove is modeled by experience and there is a lack of theory basis.

最后,以磨削圆锥球头立铣刀的刀刃为例,说明了模型的实际应用方法。Finally, the practice method is explained by grinding the ball-end cone mill.

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微型砂轮机可装摸具铣刀修复摸具型面,以布轮顶替砂轮,可开展抛光等。It can polish through the emery cloth wheel instead of the grinding wheel also.

并且根据这一理论,给出端铣刀立铣加工平面的计算方法。According to the theory, a plane machining method by end milling cutter is given.

单刃铝用铣刀-------最适合雕刻机加工切割铣削各种铝板。Single-edged aluminum milling cutter----the best end mill for various aluminum panel.

通过试验,找出了切削深度、切削速度、每齿进给量等切削用量及切出角影响面铣刀寿命的规律。The effect of the cutting depth on the cutting process of the Al-alloy is investigated.

系统的研究了可转位高速铣刀刀体容屑槽与刀片槽加工工艺方案。The scheme of machining process on chip letting groove & blade groove has been studied.

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建立了整体式螺旋刃球头立铣刀和可转位式球头立铣刀的几何刃线模型。The geometric models of both solid ball-end mill and indexable ball-end mill are constructed.

以上研究为三维复杂槽型铣刀片温度场的研究和槽型的开发提供了理论依据。In the paper, theory gists for study on temperature field and groove development are provided.

复杂槽型铣刀片具有优于平前刀面铣刀片的切削性能。Milling insert with complex groove has better cutting performance than insert with plane face.

本文的研究成果将为实现在现有的五轴数控磨床上加工或修磨球头立铣刀的产业化作准备。In this paper, the results of research prepare for processing BEC on this five-axis NC grinder.

磨轮用非常大量的微型切削刃模仿铣刀进行切削。The latter simulates a milling cutter with an extremely large number of miniature cutting edges.

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发现涂层脱落、刀尖破损、扩散磨损为微径铣刀的主要磨损形式。The coat shed, tool tip breakage, diffusive wear have been observed as the main form of tool wear.

介绍了一种检测铣边机铣刀盘精度的方法。This article introduced one kind of method which can measure the precision of miller cutting disc.

通过该模型,分别建立了柱面上、球面上和锥面上球头立铣刀的等导程螺旋线的数学模型。By using it, the model of equal lead on the cutter can be applied to the cylinder, cone and sphere.