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动物传心术,灵气治疗及宠物褓姆。Animal communication, Reiki healing and pet nanny.

不好心术,师长教师-,您是说您丢了房间的钥匙?Excuse me- sir. Do you meany kind of you lost your room key?

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心灵学行为,如心电感应和测心术。Parapsychological activities, such as telepathy and mind reading.

这些系统是基于对心术学会研究所工作。These systems are based on the work of the Institute of HeartMath.

矫正测心术的方法是检查情感的证据。The antidote for mind reading is to examine the emotional evidence.

持用者每日可以以标准动作触发一次“摧心术”。Once per day, the wielder can trigger ultrabl ast as a standard action.

动物传心术师是被培训以心灵感应与动物沟通。Animal Communicators are trained in listening to animals telepathically.

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一位好品行和道德的动物传心术师必会关心人和动物。The good animal communicator cares about animals and cares about people.

冷冻从心术学会,科罗拉多河,加州理工学院成帧器。Freeze-Framer from the Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, California.

卢克·天行者对他使用绝地控心术后,他的饭碗开始保不住了。His career began to unravel when Luke Skywalker targeted him with a Jedi mind trick.

查询或报读动物传心术请参考以下提供资料。Following information are for Animal Communication Workshop Enquiry and Registration Only.

如果一个人还没去经历人生,一切就已被记录下来,这无疑是一种“惊心术”。If any human being's life can be written before he lives it, that is for sure a "horror-scope."

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动物传心术能帮助主人明暸动物为何展现出某些不受欢迎的习惯。Animal communication can help you to understand why they exhibit certain undesirable behaviours.

他知道托伊达里亚人天生就能抵御绝地控心术,因此相信一个绝地无法对这种谈判施加不公正的影响。Knowing that Toydarians were naturally resistant to Jedi mind tricks, Katuunko trusted that a Jedi could not unfairly influence such negotiations.

贺熙龄教育思想包括正心术、端学术、正文体等,内容丰富且具有系统性。He Xi-ling's educational thought includes uprighting intentions, rectifying academy, and correcting style, which is rich in content and systematic.

在战国时代的心术思潮中,荀子的「治气养心之术」代表了一种典型的儒家的心术理论。In the Warring States period, the theory of "arts of governing Qi & cultivating mind" of Xunzi was a typical representative of Confucian spiritual exercises.

科学界存在对占星术的反感,就像其他形式的半神秘活动如传心术和顺势医疗论。Across the scientific community there's a loathing and detestation of astrology, along with all other forms of semi-mystical activity, from telepathy to homeopathy.