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你可以去研究他们的脑电波You could study their brain waves.

一种聪明的方法便是去观察脑电波One clever method is to look at their brain waves.

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越进入后面的睡眠期,你的脑电波频率将越慢。The lower your stage of sleep, slower your brain waves will be.

监视器记录下他们的脑电波、肌肉活动以及心率。Monitors record their brain waves, muscle activity and heart rates.

那个系统就通过现成的无线脑电波头戴设备控制一部苹果手机。That system uses an off-the-shelf wireless EEG headset to control an iPhone.

在生理上人们会从中得到益处吗?以前从没有人就人与动物的互动来观察人类的脑电波。No one's ever looked at the brain waves before with human-animal interaction.

以前从没有人就人与动物的互动来观察人类的脑电波。No one’s ever looked at the brain waves before with human-animal interaction.

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40天后,就能听到胎儿的心跳声,他们的脑电波也能被记录下来。At 40 days, the baby’s heart beat can be heard and brain waves can be recorded.

科学家们还不知道有什么方法可以增强那些能够保证睡眠的脑电波。The scientists don't yet know of any way to boost those sleep-saving brain waves.

这是首台脑电波扫描仪,抛弃了笨重的头盔,可戴在胳膊或腿上。It’s the first brain-wave scanner to be worn on an arm or leg, forgoing clunky headgear.

而这不能通过大脑的变化来解释,因为此时大脑机能丧失,脑电波‘趋于直线’”。These cannot be explained by brain changes, since the brain had shut down and 'flatlined'.

植入这种基因的老鼠在脑电波变化上显示出与人类说话时的某种相关。And mice with the humanized gene show brain circuit changes known to be linked to human speech.

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这些传感器将生物电脑电波转化成能够被计算机控制的汽车识别的指令。These sensors convert bioelectric brainwaves into commands read by a computer-controlled vehicle.

科学家在通过脑电波对物体进行控制方面已经进行了长达数年的研究。For years scientists have been developing ways for people to control objects using only brainwaves.

理论上,每秒钟你应该会看到更多的脑电波峰值点。In theory, you'd see a lot more brain-wave peaks per second as they pack this message into your head.

为了对夜晚好眠时的脑电波进行研究,科学家们请志愿者在实验室里打盹儿。To study the brain waves of a good night's sleep, scientists invited volunteers to snooze in the lab.

这台仪器分析脑电波的活动模式,并把它们转换成电脑屏幕上的活动图像。The device studies patterns of brainwave activity and turns them into a moving image on a computer screen.

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身处熏衣草香之中的人,一种代表放松的脑电波会增加。Adults exposed to lavender showed an increase in the type of brain waves that suggest increased relaxation.

在加州,Adey博士发现动物的脑电波能直接被ELF电磁场直接改变。In California, it was discovered by Dr. Adey that animal brain waves could be altered directly by ELF fields.

科学家说,接受到司机的脑电波信号能缩短刹车距离以避免撞车。Tapping into drivers' brain signals can cut braking distances and avoid car crashes, according to scientists.