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他们试图夸大金币的投资价值来转手They're trying to oversell.

吉姆把偷来的电脑转手给她窝赃。Jim dinged the computer to her.

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这种古玩已经多次转手了。This curio has passed throgh many hands.

他购买了一幅鲁宾斯的作品,然后转手加价。He bought a Rubens and flipped it at a markup.

奥利凡德说,“至于它是否需要靠谋杀来转手,我不知道。Whether it needs to pass by murder, I do not know.

不过,拉美西斯并没有接受,而是将这个少女转手送给了摩西。However, Rameses rejects to accept and gives the girl to Moses.

这些文件被婊子一样转手是完全可能的。It's entirely possible that the papers were whored out like that.

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这封信从一个人转手到另一个人直到每个人都看过。The letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it.

这笔款几经转手,必然有一部分被经手人染指。To hand, some of it inevitably sticks to the fingers that it touches.

他们从商业犬舍购买幼犬,做转手的零售生意。One who buys puppies from commercial kennels and sells to retail outlets.

随着时间的推移,这片土地几经转手,久经荒置。Over time and through changing of hands, the property suffered from neglect.

让那个城堡从一个叛乱者手中转手到另一个那里,对我们有什么麻烦么?Let the castle pass from one pretender to another why should that trouble us?

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一个偶然的机会,他把枪支转手倒卖给民间武装军队。A occasional chance, He a guns second-hand resell to commons armed force army.

在当时北岩银行国有化时,股份被以90便士的价格转手了。At the time of the nationalisation, shares in Northern Rock were changing hands at 90p.

不过,在最初的转手后,除非第一手交易获利了,不要再做第二手。But after the initial transaction, don’t make a second unless the first shows a profit.

VistaPrint的客户往往意识不到他们买了转手服务。VistaPrint's customers often don't realize that they are purchasing the referred services.

大为吃惊的他从这群羊的主人手里买下这只怪羊,并打算把它转手卖到海外。The farmer bought the sheep from people in the area with the intention to sell them abroad.

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他们只是想囤积这些高价房产,等价格再上涨的时候转手卖掉大赚一笔。They simply aim for properties with rising prices, so they can sell them on and turn a profit.

特纳企业赚进银两,而非营利性的特纳基金会则把钱转手奉出。While Turner Enterprises pulls in the dollars, the nonprofit Turner Foundation gives money away.

这些合法争斗也大都以相互授权作为结束,期间只转手少量的钱。The legal tussles usually end in cross-licensing deals, in which small sums of money change hands.