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对此,学者们多从正史的角度加以探讨和分析。For this, scholars discuss and analyze from the angle of official history.

历史名人轶事汇编,实际上是汇集“正史”之外各类野史笔记、稗乘杂史中有关历史人物事迹的著作物。The compilation of anecdotes of celebrities in the history refers to those works concerning with their deeds.

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在正史史志目录中,汉宋之间类书所属归类不同。In the official history, encyclopedia belonged to different classifications between Han Dynasty and Song Dynasty.

秦良玉是明朝末期著名的巾帼人物,生平事迹于正史可征。Qin Liangyu is famous woman character at the end of Qing Dynasty and her life story was written in history books.

目前,研究两汉音乐文化,多运用的是正史有关音乐的史料对其进行研究。At present, the research on music culture of two-han period is customarily done by official historical materials on music.

大体上可以认为,别史是私人所作又未列入正史的史籍。Generally that, do not the history of the private sector is not yet included in the official history of the history books.

在封建时代的中国,被推翻的统治者在下一朝编纂的正史中往往受到不公正的评价。IN IMPERIAL China, overthrown rulers were ill-treated in the official histories written by the dynasty that succeeded them.

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作为中央机构,少府在正史中经常出现,而作为地方性财政机构的郡少府却比较少见。As a central body in the history of Shao-Fu frequently, and financial institutions as the local county government is relatively few.

从史学概念到文学概念的转变,反映了一种“以小说为正史之余”的小说观念。The transformation from the historical concept to the literary one reflects a novel conception that novel supplements the official history.

收集了二十四史目录中有关针灸书目的史料,论述了正史目录在针灸医学史发展中的作用与贡献。The role of the catalogue of bibliographical history books in the development of medical history of acupuncture and moxibustion was discussed.

因此,此书中虽然也有虚构之部分,而大部分都正史为主叙述。Therefore, in this book although also has fictionalizes the part, but the majority of all histories in form of biographies primarily narrated.

在正史上只有寥寥数笔的昭君出塞形成了绵延千年的文脉,历代以昭君为题材的文学创作所形成的独特的文学现象,笔者称之为“昭君文学”。The authors of this paper call as "Zhao Jun literature" the unique literary phenomenon formulated with Zhao Jun as the subject of literary writing.

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多元文化传统未经整合的混杂在一起,加深了水浒英雄人格与正史人格的断裂。The mixed multi-cultural tradition without conformity has strengthen the rupturing of personality of the Water Margin and national history personality.

书中保存了大量不见于他书的珍贵史料,弥补了正史中名家生平资料之不足。This book had recorded a lot of precious historical data which we can"t find out in other books and met the need for us to research into those famous writers."

战时重庆电影人的举证和自传的相继推出有助于修正史观的建立,并对相关的研究方法与史料搜集等问题有提纲挈领的作用。New testimony and autobiographies from filmmakers of the time enabled attention to revisionist histories alongside questions of research method and archival collections.

除种族特徵外,为可汗级突厥贵族“汉化”之典型,此墓志可以证补正史的记载。Except ethnic characteristic, he was the representative of Turks nobles which was influenced by Han Nationality. This epitaph could supplement the record of official history.

在描述银河系中的角色时,作者情愿在某些方面含糊其词,也不要画蛇添足造成与正史的冲突。By attributing a statement to a character in the galaxy, the authors could blame the inaccuracy on a misperception , rather than have an omniscient narrator make a continuity flub.

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在人物形象塑造上,康洪雷导演首次将有“缺点”的英雄形象带入荧屏,更让从未进入正史的远征军大放异彩。On Characterization, heroes with disadvantages are introduced into teleplays by director Kang Honglei, and even KMT troops that never accepted by official history shines in the play.

依据正史地理志、州郡志、郡国志中的相关记载,并参考古今学界的相关研究成果,考察了青徐兖地域从夏商时期至十六国时期的政区设置及沿革。According to official history works and the fruits of the ancients and the academe today, I observed the evolution of the districts from the Xia-Shang Dynasty to the Sixteen Kingdoms.

其本义为古代的一种采用圈养方法、通过加大饲料用量及营养成分并减少动物活动时间来催肥肉用禽畜的技术,这在古代的正史、野记、农书、前人诗文和笔记都可以找到大量证据。It is relevant to the agriculture technique and customs in the history which we can find lots of evidences in the historical standard history works, notes, agriculture books and poems.