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他绝处逢生,从沙漠被救了回来。He was unexpectedly rescued from the desert.

我认为,由于流行音乐的简单性使得其很容易绝处逢生。I think it’s the simplicity of pop music. It makes it more likely to get saved.

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呵呵,难道你不明白绝处逢生的道理吗?Ah, don't you understand the reason of be unexpected rescued from a desperate situation?

小萍从来有绝处逢生的本领和运气。Xiaoping always has luck and ability to be unexpected rescued from a desperate situation.

以为逃到城镇可以绝处逢生的农民被机枪扫射。Desperate villagers who tried to force their way into the towns were greeted with machine-gun fire.

他没念完大学,但相信“只要你做些调查,在美国是可以绝处逢生的。”He is a college dropout, but reckons that "if you do some research, you can make a lot out of nothing" in America.

竹也象征着伟大的中华民族在帝国主义的侵略与压迫下,仍然能够坚韧不拔,绝处逢生。Bamboo is also a symbol of the great Chinese people in the imperialist aggression and oppression will still be able perseverance needed it.

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要能绝处逢生,你不需要具备赛车选手的反应力、海克力士的肌肉或爱因斯坦的头脑,你只要知道该怎麽作就好了。To live through an impossible situation, you don't need the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver, the muscles of a Hercules, the mine of an Einstein.

它给予律师们更多时间来规划极为复杂的国际协议,借此给了哥本哈根峰会绝处逢生的机会。It also gives the world a chance to rescue the Copenhagen summit from certain failure by giving lawyers more time to work on a hugely complex international deal.

然而,当他们越升越高,伦敦像一张灰绿相间的地图展现在下方时,哈利心中涨满了绝处逢生后的感激。Nevertheless, as they climbed higher and higher, London unfurling below them like a gray-and-green map, Harry's overwhelming feeling was of gratitude for an escape that had seemed impossible.