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丝绒窗帘。Velvet curtains.

苔藓软如丝绒。Moss is soft like velvet.

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国王穿着丝绒长袍。The King was enrobed in velvet.

有红色和黑色丝绒两种颜色。It comes in red or black velour.

这料子摸起来像丝绒。This material feels like velvet.

粉饰丰厚的丝绒包裹身体。A rich wrap of velvet adorns the body.

丝绒质地更加柔软,尺寸也更大。Velour provides extra softness and size.

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他的惆怅的声音如丝绒般温柔。His voice is wistful , as soft as velvet.

柔软的丝绒亲贴皮肤。Soft velour thermal fabric nuzzles the skin.

柔软的丝绒织物亲贴皮肤。Soft velour thermal fabric nuzzles the skin.

我要穿我的那件蓝色丝绒洋装参加派对。I'm gonna wear my blue velet dress for the party.

丛林铺展在他的脚下,象一片绿丝绒那么毛茸茸的。The jungle spread beneath him in a green velvet nap.

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星星在黑丝绒一般的夜空里闪烁。Stars were twinkling in the back velvet of the night.

丝绒般的炭灰色带多种柔和颜色闪。Velvety charcoal with a gentle multi-coloured shimmer.

丝绒生产在我国已有两千年的历史。In China, velour making dates back to two thousand years ago.

弟子丝绒的请求及我的手书一并附呈。Both disciple Si Rong's request and my calligraphy are attached.

丝绒家具不可沾水,应使用干洗剂。Velvet furniture cannot touch water, should use dry-clean agent.

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窗帘轨下挂有沙帘和丝绒窗帘。Under the window rail there is a net curtain and a velvet curtain.

丝绒般的深黑色带金色的小亮片。非常适合作为眼线!Deep, velvety black filled with gold sparkle. Great as an eyeliner!

这款圆珠笔备有丝绒笔套,内里的笔芯质量卓越,并可更换。It comes in a velvet pouch and the high-quality refill can be replaced.