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我对拓荒者的描述不带有任何幻想成分,我祖上八代都是美国拓荒者。I have no illusions about the pioneers.

这一计人家祖上叫作分而置之。Called third of the people of sub-and at home.

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我的祖上没有一个实业家。There isn’t a single entrepreneur in my family.

他的行为玷污了他祖上的名声。By such behaviour he's specked the honour of his family.

他们祖上有过不少出将入相的人物。Many of their ancestors were once people who were dignitaries.

如果房檐上有精美的彩瓷装饰,说明这家主人祖上非常富有。Exquisite tiles and plasterwork represent wealth of the house owner.

朱掌柜是唐山丰润人,祖上就做豆腐生意。Zhu shopkeeper Tangshan rich, people, ancestors to make tofu business.

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那些人的父母,父母的父母,父母的父母的父母……祖上都很有钱。people who their parents', parents', parents', parents' parents were rich.

也就是说,刘仁愿的祖上有可能属于匈奴族。In other words, Liu's ancestors may be willing to belong to the Xiongnu tribe.

但那些祖上很早就住在英国的人,却宁愿变成落汤鸡。But those whose families have lived here for generations prefer getting soaked.

报社编辑叶乔出生于印度尼西亚,他的祖上几代都是澳门人。He was born in Indonesia, but his family has been in Macau for five generations.

即使是现在,祖上的荫庇也对一个人的人生和工作发挥着重大的作用。Even now parentage and patronage play a significant role in one's life and career.

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亲爱的儿子,我总把能够得到祖上任何点滴细微的轶闻引为乐事。Dear Son, I have ever had pleasure in obtaining any little anecdotes of my ancestors.

可是我们还得知道你祖上的名字,告诉他们你卑劣的心灵。Yet, we must know the names of your ancestors in order to commend to them your unworthy spirit.

他还告诉王小红这两个方子是祖上传下来专门对付瘟疫的。He also told WangXiaoGong the two prescription is had been handed down special deal with the pestilence.

恨不得买上一包狮子吼,狠狠的问候盗号者的全家以及祖上。Wish to buy growl of on one packet of lion , the family of the person regard pilfer number of firm firm and ancestors.

婷婷爸爸揭了祖上房子的墙泥,15年前,在娶老婆前糊到这个房子上。Tingting's father tore down part of the ancestral home's mud walls and added this building 15 years ago, before he married Su.

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婷婷爸爸揭了祖上房子的墙泥,15年前,在娶老婆前糊到这个房子上。Tingting’s father tore down part of the ancestral home’s mud walls and added this building 15 years ago, before he married Su.

梅贤祖上了黑龙山,得知了黑木蛟带着这么少的人去救白孔雀大吃一惊。MeiXian ancestors the black dragon mountain, and found that the HeiMu Jiao with so few people to save white peacock by surprise.

刘氏因祖上的功勋官职,先为弘文馆学生,随后以资荫担当唐太宗的右亲卫。Liu's office because of ancestral exploits, first for the holy hall students, and then to bring about the right shade to play Taizong Chikae.