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用其他形状添加一些肌理。Add some texture using the other shapes.

你浓稠如脂的肌理和炽热的肤皮使我沉醉不已。Thy creamy flesh and hot rind intoxicate me.

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它像洗澡水一样温暖,她的皮肤摸起来有着像木槿一样的肌理。It was warm like bath water, her skin the texture of hibiscus.

无色彩。无肌理。打造自然健康的唇部效果。Colour-free. Texture-free. Provides natural healthy-looking lips.

剩下唯一要做的事情是,在这些方块上添加一些肌理。The only thing left to do now is add some textures on top of them.

现在,这些歌的肌理中植入了另一层内容。Now these songs have another layer of work woven into their fabric.

“魔盒”由两大建筑结构组成,表面有象征“电网”的网格状肌理。The "Magic Box" is supported by two constructions with grid facade.

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不过其中的概念十分简单——让事物显得老旧,创造不完美,给你的作品以独特的肌理。Make things look old, dirty or otherwise imperfect to give your work a unique touch.

然后论述了形态设计、色彩设计和肌理设计的方法。Then it discusses the methods of configuration design, color design and texture design.

水果有轻微突起,一瘦,皮肤略肌理质感,是很可爱。Fruit has minor protuberances, a thin skin, a slightly grainy texture and is quite sweet.

建筑在铁路景观与综合城市肌理中展开,并融入其中。The building unfurls and is folded into the railroad landscape and composite urban fabric.

它们也可以有肌理和颜色的变化,并且可以铺设成多种图案。These may also have texture and color variations and may be laid in a variety of patterns.

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它们的记忆,它们的特色,组成了极其丰富而又细腻的城市地图肌理。Its memory and its feature build up much abundant and much meticulous texture of urban map.

漆画新颖变化的材质使其具有丰富的肌理感,画面效果独特。With novelty changes in material, lacquer-painting expressed well texture and special effect.

这片区域的规划突出保护原有的街巷格局和城市肌理。The area of planning highlight the protection of the original pattern of streets and city texture.

使用变形工具,按住COMMAND键拖拽转角顶点,以适合我们想添加肌理的方块。Using the Transform tool Command-drag the corners to fit one of the rectangles we want to texture.

近期利用厚重肌理的皴涂,形成光翳氤氲的效果。Recently, he is using heavy texture of the cracked coating to achieve the special lighting effects.

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有限的土地,城市肌理和社会结构的紧迫性是主要考虑的因素。Limited land and the exigency of recreating physical and social fabrics were primary considerations.

以数位相机拍摄自然的肌理及纹路,建立内部肌理图库。Taking photos of natural texture or patterns with digital camera to build an in-house texture library.

这种整体肌理的胡同-四合院形态,是元大都棋盘式城市格局的真实片段。This alleyway-quadrangle complex is the true fragment of Yuan Dadu city structure in chessboard shape.