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它是一场马戏表演。It's a dog and pony show.

做礼拜和看马戏相比,算不了什么。Church ain't shucks to a circus.

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她过去常常用一个马戏场旅行。She used to travel with a circus.

对我来说,这音乐会和马戏表演一样好看。To me it was as good as a circus.

马戏表演使孩子们兴高采烈。A circus show entertains children.

马匹在马戏场上腾跳。The horses pranced in the circus ring.

马戏表演时,我们看见一只狮子在笼子里。We saw a lion in a cage at the circus.

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训练有素的马队斜步行进表演马戏。The trained horses sashayed to perform.

庄是来自苏州的马戏魔术师。Zhuang is a circus juggler from Suzhou.

孩子们目不转睛地观看马戏表演。At the circus the children wre all eyes.

所以赛马场就是拉丁语中的马戏表演场。So the hippodrome is the circus in Latin.

那个小丑以夸张的动作在马戏场中走动。The clown flounced about the circus ring.

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马绕著马戏场小跑。The horses trotted around the circus ring.

马戏演出时,丑角扮怪相。At the circus, the clowns mopped and mowed.

马戏开演前,小丑们都要化好妆。Clowns always make up before a circus show.

我父亲带我去看马戏表演。My father took me to the circus as a treat.

上个月,我们的爸爸带我们去看了马戏表演。Our father took us to the circus last month.

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倾城而出看马戏表演。The whole town turned out to see the circus.

约翰看马戏花的钱不计其数。Jone lost track of the money he spent at the circus.

我总是着迷于马戏团里的杂技演员。I was always fascinated by the acrobats at the circus.