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我要如何奉养女神?。How may I serve the goddess?

所以他盖了一座小屋,在那里奉养母亲。So he would build a little house and care for her there.

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非论日间夜晚都奉养着,不分开怙恃的床边。Wait on them day and night, without ever leaving their bedside.

更多的老人必须由更少的年轻人奉养。There will be more senior citizens to be supported by fewer young people.

奉养诸位伯叔母舅,宛如奉养本身的父亲一样敬重。We should serve all our uncles as respectfully as we serve our own fathers.

现金小费会使人想到跑堂是奉养人的,而请喝一杯则是友好的暗示。A tip in cash would be a reminder of their service role, whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly gesture.

孝敬父母,不仅物质奉养,还要服从、尊重,才是既「孝」且「顺」。True filial piety is not only providing material comfort but also showing respect and obedience to our parents.

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在2008-2009财政年度内,英国纳税人奉养英国王室的总开支增加了150万英镑,达4150万英镑The total cost to the taxpayer of keeping the monarchy increased by ?1.5m to ?41.5m during the 2008-09 financial year

终于,警察们截断了老虎的避难之路,用扫帚与大棍奉养了这只“兽兽”。Eventually the authorities cut short the tiger's dash for freedom, using brooms and big sticks to subdue the savage beast.

约瑟用粮食奉养他父亲和他弟兄,并他父亲全家的眷属,都是照各家的人口奉养他们。And Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and all his father's household, with bread, according to their families.

约瑟用粮食奉养他父亲和他弟兄,并他父亲全家的眷属,都是照各家的人口奉养他们。Joseph also provided his father and his brothers and all his father's household with food, according to the number of their children.

当然,你将必须要工作到八十岁来奉养你那因为奈米科技而将得到永生的一百一十岁父母。Sure, you'll have to work till you're eighty to support your one-hundred-and-ten-year-old parents who will live forever because of nanotechnology.

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所以臣仆对他说,不如为我主我王寻找一个处女,使她伺候王,奉养王,睡在王的怀中,好叫我主我王得暖。So his servants said to him, 'Let us look for a young virgin to attend the king and take care of him. She can lie beside him so that our lord the king may keep warm.

所以臣仆对他说,不如为我主我王寻找一个处女,使她伺候王,奉养王,睡在王的怀中,好叫我主我王得暖。So his servants said to him, 'Let us look for a young virgin to attend the king and take care of him. She can lie beside him so that our lord the king may keep warm.'

他必提起你的精神,奉养你的老,因为是爱慕你的那儿妇所生的。有这儿妇比有七个儿子还好!He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age, for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is more to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.

假如是两个小孩子地话,等她们长年夜后,关于奉养白叟地问题上,她们之间地担负城市削弱良多,相对地也就不会有那么年夜地压力。If it's two children, do it after they grow up to support the old, on the question of the burden, they will weaken between many, relative there won't be so the earth pressure.

中国人口年逾60者,有超过1.3亿之多,如今年轻一代已不再以奉养父母终老为理所当然,年迈遭弃者时有所闻。There are more than 130 million Chinese older than 60 years. Many have observed that the younger generation in general no longer considers caring for the elderly parents a must.

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沿着门前狭隘起伏的小马路一直下去是小市镇,那里有教堂、超市、报亭、银行、小餐厅等一切奉养人们物质和精神生活的场所。Down to the small jagged pathway is a small town, where sat the church, supermarket, newspaper stall, bank, small restaurant, everything that can proffer the food and recreation.

美国人民如此勤勉地劳动来奉养家人,他们所要求的只是我们也同样勤勉工作来使其生活变得更加轻松一些,这并不过分。And they're working so hard to raise their families, and all they ask is that we work just as hard, here in this town, to make their lives a little easier. That's not too much to ask.

结果发现,儿子和女儿对于原生家庭的父母都有孝道的表现,但是夫妻之间对于自己父母和配偶父母的奉养,却呈现清楚的权力相较。Although sons and daughters both show filial piety toward their natal parents, living arrangements between the couple, their parents and parents-in-laws, present evident power interactions.