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明代各个重刻本都出自浙本,亦无出自蜀刻之书。All the editions of Ming Dynasty originate from the Zhe edition.

理由是传统的彩色刷设计是前申请刻本。The coloured grounds are traditionally brush applied before the design is block printed.

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现存有元代与明前期的各种仿宋刻本或重刻本。There were various extant block-printed editions of it published under the Yuan and early Ming dynasties.

可是,由于原刻本流传稀少,关于此书的版本源流,学术界一直不甚清楚。However, because few editions are extant, scholars have long been uncertain about the origins and sequence of various editions.

她的眼泪似乎使得好心的芒奇金人忧愁悲伤起来,他们立刻本出手帕来也哭了。Her tears seemed to grieve the kind-hearted Munchkins, for they immediately took out their handkerchiefs and began to weep also.

安徽地方特色明显,刻本、套印本、活字本、稿本、写本、抄本等种类丰富,善本、孤本在全国占有一定地位。The ancient books obvious local characteristics, woodblock print, Taoyin Ben, movable, script, transcripts and other types are rich.

由于“麻沙本”一词,学界对坊刻本存在着极大的认识偏见。The word "Mashaben" causes the academe to have great bias against the block-printed edition of bookshop attached to a printing workshop.

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初刻本中的疏漏大多被以后的版本承袭,有的校订者修订了错误,但也可能增添新的误解。The majority of errors in the first edition were repeated by the following editions. Some revisers improved contents or caused new misunderstanding.

本文旨在收集日本中世有关宋本传承的史料,勾勒出现在还不甚明了的两宋刻本东渐之大致经纬。This paper discusses editions of Song Dynasties handed down to Japan in medieval Age with historical accounts, and outlines its path eastward to Japan.

南宋以后,黄庭坚诗文集的编纂与注释基本完成,各种刻本流行开来。After Southern Song Dynasty, the compilation and annotation of Huang Tingjian's works were almost completed, many kinds of block-printed editions became popular.

其中的小字注于是也成为细致分析刻本整体面貌、勾勒小说创作与批评理路不可或缺的部分。In this edition, there were small-word-notes that were a detailed analysis of the overall outlook of the edition, and also were an integral part to outline of novel criticism.

与阮刻本相比,保存有参考意义的异词、异字千余处,在版本、校勘、语言等方面具有重要的学术价值。Compared with the Ruan copied version, these versions reserve over 1000 varieties of entries, thus being of great academic significance in printing, proofreading , and Linguistics.

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重新审视福建坊刻本,对它做出公正的评价,还其真正的历史面目,进行正确的历史定位。We examine afresh mill block —printed edition in Fukien , doing the fair evaluation to it, returning its real history facial expression, proceeding the right history fixed position.

宋、元、明的有些书坊刻本,刻售的戏曲小说,为了节省工时,降低成本,大量手写俗体。In the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, some printing workshops engaging in printing drama novels, modified the script on the base of the model regular script to save time and reduce cost.

本文按照各主要戏曲版本的刻家、分布、历史、刊本名目等情况,对江浙一带的刻本加以介绍。This paper attempts to introduce the block-printed editions in the area of Zhejiang and Jiangsu in terms of the masters, distributions, histories, items, etc. of major traditional opera versions.