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我会给试卷评分。I will grade the paper.

我们老师评分很严。Our teacher marks strictly.

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他阅卷评分很宽。He marked the paper leniently.

就是他们,我的聪明评分人。They are. I have smart graders.

这门课的评分标准是The course is going to be graded.

你将如何为这个作业评分?How would you grade the assignment?

我们接下来谈谈评分标准So let's talk about a bit of admin.

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测评是如何评分与管理的?How are assessments marked and managed?

目前还没有评分表,没有什么。There were no score sheets, no nothing.

评分表评定伤情的验证。Verification of wound in scoring scale.

评分标准很重要。Procedures for evaluation are important.

阿信用评分只是一个时间的快照。A credit score is only a snapshot in time.

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注意,整个考试会被重新评分。Note that the whole exam will be regraded.

现在,就容笔者带您一睹未来网络信用评分的真容吧。Welcome to the credit score of the future.

作业的评分标准是什么?What is the standard to measure the tasks?

伯克利的评分系统是怎样的?How does the grading system work at Berkeley?

我并不会亲自给你们的论文评分。Because I won't actually be grading your papers.

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与信用评分相比,债务-收入太高Debt-to-income too high compared to credit score

他们根据的亲切度,支持度来评分?。They grade you on gentleness and supportiveness?

评分者的年龄跨度从18岁至70岁以上。The raters ranged in age from 18 to more than 70.