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在事发后大约三个月的时间里,我一直惊魂未定。For about three months after it happened, I felt frightened.

约翰救出了惊魂未定的艾伦,并告诉了她现在情况。John rescued the Allan of not yet recover from a fright, told her now circumstance.

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等她走后,Lincoln仍然惊魂未定,他问Michael是否看到观刑室的那个人。Once she’s gone, Lincoln, still in shock, asks Michael if he saw the man in the room.

余震过后,看着一个个惊魂未定的孩子们,我们更加意识到我们的任务有多重。After the aftershock , looked at a rocky children, we have become more aware of our task.

一个年轻人,脸上满是瘀伤和血迹,惊魂未定,给身旁每一个人讲述他的遭遇。A young, shocked-looking man wandered around, telling his story to anyone who would listen.

那只老狼从灌木丛里窜出来,惊魂未定地喘息,伸出舌头。The old wolf runs out of the bush, still badly shaken, and panting with its tongue lolling.

在医院,几个年轻人簇在一起,惊魂未定,极度悲伤。At the hospital, several young men stood within earshot, looking shocked and grief-stricken.

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第二天晚上,在经历了至少十余次余震后,一些惊魂未定的幸存者选择在露天过夜。At least 10 aftershocks hit, prompting some wary survivors to sleep outside the following night.

将近半小时之后,桑切斯被弃于大街中央,惊魂未定的她此时已伤痕累累,不住地哭泣。Nearly half an hour later they dumped her again in the middle of the street, leaving her bruised, scared and sobbing.

浑身粘液,满嘴恶臭,惊魂未定的呜兹趴在地上,只剩下喘气的份,哪里还能想起呕吐和肚子饿。Covered with mucus, mouth odor, shaken Woods lying on the ground, were left breathing, vomiting, and where the hungry can think of.

恐怖袭击被乐成镇压然后,惊魂未定的人质们被引领着穿过一个奥秘通道,来到安全地带。After the terrorist attack was successfully suppressed, the horror-stricken hostages were shepherded across a secret passage to the safety zone.

大震后的克赖斯特彻奇满目疮痍。惊魂未定的居民们星期天开始面对这场罕见大地震所造成的破坏。Christchurch awoke Sunday to another grim day as shell-shocked 3. assess the damage inflicted by one of the country's most powerful earthquakes.

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当他在太阳升起之际醒来,发现她正惊魂未定,因为从未见过太阳,于是让她在自己怀中睡去,直到黑夜降临。When the sun rises, he awakens to find that now she's scared, a stranger to the sun, and so he carries her in his arms while she sleeps until dark.

大震后的克赖斯特彻奇满目疮痍。惊魂未定的居民们星期天开始面对这场罕见大地震所造成的破坏。Christchurch awoke Sunday to another grim day as shell-shocked residents assess the damage inflicted by one of the country's most powerful earthquakes.

我知道有人在世贸中心工作,谢天谢地她能出来,但几天以来她还是惊魂未定,甚至连话都说不出一句。I know someone who was working in the World Trade Center and thankfully she was able to get out, but she was in shock for days and could not even speak.

今晚9时发生的几秒钟地震,使报警中心涌入数百通来自北墨尔本至吉普斯兰Sale市,惊魂未定居民们的电话。Police were flooded with calls from hundreds of worried residents from north of Melbourne to Sale in Gippsland after the earth shook for a few seconds just after 9pm.

接下来他就听见了那致命的声响,枪声,一声接着一声,之后他看见惊魂未定的牧师踉跄而出,然后他就调转笔锋写其它事情去了And then he hears the coup de grace, it's the shots, one after another, and then he sees a priest staggering out, overwhelmed by it all, and then he moves onto something else.

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他惊魂未定地领着另外两个人走过门厅,随时提防着还有新的恐怖出现,但是除了一只老鼠在壁脚板上一蹿而过,什么动静也没有。Nerves still tingling, he led the other two up the hall, halfexpecting some new terror to reveal itself, but nothing moved except for a mouse skittering along the skirting board.

在天色泛白的时候,这两个学生在医学院碰了面,惴惴不安的心情反映到了他们苍白憔悴的脸上,而刚刚的骇人经历则仍然使其惊魂未定。In the grey of the morning the two students, pallid and haggard from anxiety and with the terror of their adventure still beating tumultuously in their blood, met at the medical college.

比如有时我只是能感觉到他们在看着我,而有时我则感觉到他们要伸手抓我,于是我赶紧跑向车子,加速离开,直到回到家还是惊魂未定。For instance, on some occasions I can just tell they're watching, other times it's like they're reaching out and I run to my car and speed off and still don't feel safe even after I get home.