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她指向那墓穴。She pointed at the grave.

在大海边她的墓穴里。In this kindom by the sea.

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他们开始在墓穴中打斗。They started fighting in the grave.

这里就是范礼安神父的墓穴。This is the tomb of Father Valignano.

老伯,你们正在挖谁的墓穴呢?Whose grave are you digging, old men?

难道我们理应蜷伏在他们的墓穴上。And shall we crouch above these graves.

她的注意力钉在了那墓穴上。Her attention stayed riveted on the grave.

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自那时以来,该墓穴一直空穴。Since then, that crypt has remained vacant.

他在棺柩被安放在一个深的墓穴中。His coffin was laid to rest in a deep grave.

在那条深沟里,任何勇者终须回归墓穴。That gap is the grave where the tall return.

耶稣被葬在亚利马太人约瑟的墓穴里。Jesus is buried in Joseph of Arimathea's tomb.

那个有钱人的墓穴比汤姆的房间还大。That rich man's undercroft is bigger than Tom's room.

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在一个浅墓穴里发现了尸体。The saclike cavity within the body of a coelenterate.

参观完皇家墓穴后,我们来到了普拉特公园。After visiting the Imperial Crypt, we went to the Prater.

埃雷卡特庄严承诺,位于拉马拉的墓穴只是临时性的。Erakat vowed that the grave in Ramallah would be temporary.

人们把土填到这个小墓穴中,夯实。The boys shovel dirt onto the small grave and tamp it down.

那你听说的是我的父亲大人,在他的墓穴里滑行呢。That sound you hear is my lord father, slithering in his grave.

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富人一般拥有更好的墓穴和棺椁。Wealthier people normally had better tombs, nicer coffins, etc.

考古学家在墓穴中发现了碎骨片。The archeologists found fragments of bone in the burial chamber.

他们来到城堡附近时,看见两个老人家正在挖一个墓穴。As they came near the castle, they saw two old men digging a grave.