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“路遇”,随时随地,邂逅心动!Meet new friends, anytime anywhere.

老师随时随地都乐意向你提供学习上的帮助。The teacher will be glad to help you.

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但书,你可以随时随地的翻阅。You can read a book anywhere, any time.

放亮眼睛,竖起耳朵随时随地找寻机会。B. Keep eyes and ears open for opportunity.

记住你可以随时随地练习。Remember you can do it anytime in any place.

随时随地地做积极的自我暗示。Make positive self-suggestions whenever I can.

你应该随时随地的阅读和宣传这本书。Read this book and promote it wherever you can.

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随时随地做积极的自我暗示。Make positive self-suggestions whenever you can.

它会随时随地且出奇不意地发生。It will happen by surprise in any place and time.

有了行动电话随时随地你都可以联络别人。With cell-phones, you can contact people on the go.

现在,您可以随时随地从1-50创建播放列表的歌曲。You can now create playlists anywhere from 1-50 songs.

方便人们在户外随时随地享受音乐带来的无穷乐趣。Bring your favorit music with you anytime and anywhere.

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你会获得随时随地与妹子们勾搭的能力。You gain the ability to potentially meet girls anywhere.

你可以随时随地把这张支票兑成现金。You may cash in this cheque at all times and all places.

这四项凯格尔运动随时随地都可做。These 4 Kegel exercises are easy to do anywhere, anytime.

不要火、不用电、随时随地、自动加热!Use no fire or electricity, Self-heating anytime & anytplace !

另外,翻译软件不能随时随地提供帮助。Moreover, translation softwares can't help anywhere and anytime.

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能够随时随地克制自己的比丘已经摆脱所有苦难。The bhikkhu restrained in every way is freed from all suffering.

只要可以,我喜欢随时随地跳舞,而且我喜欢参加派对。I love to dance whenever and wherever I can, and I love to party.

你不可能随时随地看到它,但是它却实实在在地存在著。It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it’s really there.