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阿加西当场就聘请了他。Agassi hired him on the spot.

他聘请她担任这个职务。He engaged her for the position.

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我们聘请你当法律顾问。We engage you as a legal adviser.

我们聘请她做翻译。We engaged her as an interpreter.

我婉词谢绝了他们的聘请。i politely refused their invitation.

我已经聘请他做我的新助手。I have enaged him as my new assistant.

聘请印度工人,珠宝失踪。Get Indian workers, jewelleries missing.

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我聘请了他,并认为他是一位伟大的教练,上一赛季他的执教胜率为57.7%。I think he had a great season last year.

但在此之前,必须聘请工作人员。But before that, staff need to be recruited.

聘请北京语言大学教师授课。To hire professors from BLCU to give lessons.

他被询问林德是否被允许聘请律师。He was asked if Lindh had been permitted counsel.

然后加入一个写作小组或聘请一名写作指导。Then join a writing group, or hire a writing coach.

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聘请代笔-代笔与代劳为何成为一种常态化职业?Ghostwriter and see why become a regular occupation?

该公司将要聘请管理阶层人员。The company will employ someone at managerial level.

如果真是这样的话,他们不聘请你绝对划不来。They can't afford not to hire you if that's the case.

一旦绿光闪过,就可以聘请配音演员了。Once it's green-lit, the deals to the actors are made.

新聘请的新人工资比老员工的工资高。New hires sometimes earn more than long-term employees.

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董事会无异议通过聘请狄恩女士担任执行长。The board's vote to hire Ms. Dean as CEO was unanimous.

汤米李琼斯将聘请带领追捕?Would Tommy Lee Jones be recruited to lead the manhunts?

学校是否取得聘请外教资格证?Is the school SAFEA authorised to employ foreign teachers?